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Is Teenage Heavy Drinking A Problem For You?

A (hopefully) thought-provoking story from the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) – A new report says teens don’t see much of a
problem with daily heavy drinking.
The study being released today by The Partnership at says teens don’t see the big deal about downing five
or more alcoholic drinks nearly every day.
When asked if they see “great risk” in drinking that much,
almost half the teens questioned – 45 percent – said no.
The study also shows upward trends in marijuana and Ecstasy use
among young people in grades 9 through 12.
The study says the average age when teens had their first drink
was 14. Overall, 68 percent said they’ve had alcohol. Of those, one
quarter of teens had their first drink at age 12 or younger.
According to the study, teens said the top reasons for drinking
were “because it is fun” and “so they won’t feel left out.”

I just want to know what their parents think.

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