I read a lot of articles on the internet and have found some really interesting blogs.  I'm the parent of two teenage girls, well one of them will be 20 soon, but you get the idea.  Today, in my reading I found an article about what really matters (by Lauren Rosenfeld, M.A., M.Ed., Author of Your To Be List) as a parent and wanted to share that with you:

Ten years from now, it won't have mattered whether or not the sink was perfectly scrubbed.Ten years from now it will have mattered that I stopped scrubbing the sink to listen to a problem they were having in school.

Ten years from now, it won't have mattered that the plates were chipped or that the cups were not a matched set.

Ten years from now, it will have mattered that we sat down at the table together, said a blessing, and shared stories about what happened that day.

Ten years from now, it won't have mattered that their books were scattered everywhere.

It's all very true.  I'm one of those women who doesn't keep the house spotless, but I hope the people who live there know that they are more important that a rumpled bed.  I can keep things spotless when I'm old... but I probably won't

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