"Tall" Todd, the customer harvester fellow reports today that his 1st cutting job will be Billings, Montana! Todd says he was only to take a couple of machines down to Billings, but thinks the crops (what there is of them!) will be ready at one time, so everybody will need a machine. With the low yield expected, he will take only a couple of semi's down & anticipates a long wait between Kansas & Colorado. Todd says that he had visited with Stan Prybl in Parrington, Texas & Stan mentioned that they have had 10 different freezing days with temps as low as 10 degrees & 1 frost lasted some 40 hours without getting above 32. Stan's a "no-tiller" man but was out chiseling milo stubble to keep it from blowing. Milo Stubble...that's a GREAT "radio name"..I wish I would have thought of it! "No-tiller" Stan said that their drought is the driest in the history of Texas & that their forecast is for another frost next week. Recently, they had about 1/4 inch of moisture in a snow storm. "Lonesome" Larry Goyer in Oklahoma, said that his volunteer rye headed, with white heads, but that their wheat hasn't headed yet & that he's hoping that it isn't hurt too bad. May 1st will be rolling around next week on Wednesday & that the winter wheat in Oklahoma is not headed; with a normal harvest the end of May. Terry Bruce reports from Kansas, baled winter wheat was on cotton stalks & he thinks the remaining standing wheat will run 5 to bushels! Scott Wilkerson submits that spots that were burnt down from the drought are now growing green "sucker" wheat & Keith Young says that his irrigated wheat had a great deal of leaf damage on the grain, but he is putting water on, in hopes that the foliage protected the tender wheat stalks. Colorado's Mark Linenberg says that they had lots of leaf burn, but he thinks his crop is "OK" because it is later maturing than that in Kansas, Oklahoma, & Texas. I hope to get out into the fields this harvest season & meet "Tall" Todd & some of these custom cutter guys personal. I'll continue to keep you posted on my Puffman Blogs.

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