The book I'll have up for grabs tomorrow, Saturday morning, at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia's, "A Black Woman's West-The Life of Rose B. Gordon." It's the true saga of Rose Beatrice Gordon (1883-1968,) born in the Barker mining district of central Montana Territory. Rose was the daughter of an African American chef & an emancipated slave who migrated to the West in the early 1880's. It's a grand tribute to Rose, who lived most of her life in White Sulphur Springs. Author Michael Johnson has truly found Rose Gordon's "voice," & "ALL Montanans should applaud," according Montana historian, Ken Robison. Check out this riveting read from the Montana Historical Society Press in Helena, at, & then listen to WIN Saturday morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia...

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