A “GRAVE” Event
The 8th Annual "Waking the Dead" Tour of Highland Cemetery down in Great Falls is coming up THIS Sunday, & today (Tuesday) at 4:30 on the Puffman Show, Norma Ashby will be joining me to fill us in on the "story-behind-the-story." I DO know that the tours are sponsored by the Paris Gibson Month Celebration Committee in cooperation with the Great Falls City Park & Recreation Department. There'll be TWO tours on Sunday, the first one at 1, & the second one at 3. Tickets are available NOW at the Great Falls Public Library, the City Park & Recreation Department & Kaufmans Menswear on Central Avenue in Great Falls. Tune in at 4:30 this afternoon for more information and/or contact Norma Ashby at 453 7078 or ashby7@charter.net. It does my heart good to see that even though my friend Norma is a BIG time television star, she still has a LISTED phone number!