Our KSEN/K96--Bozeman Trophy Athletes of the Week saved their best for last, both winning Championships at the State Track & Field meet in Laurel. A pair of athletes from Choteau have been among the best all season long, but in the State Meet, both crossed over from among the best to "the best."

Female Athlete of the Week honors go to Choteau Freshman Natalie Hodgskiss.  Natalie took the Championship in the 1600m run with a time of 5:15. She also ran to a 2nd place finish in the 800m in 2:21.21 The finish certainly was not a total surprise as she had already won both races in the District and Divisional meets, but the State meet always brings out the best.  In addition, to winning a number of meets, Natalie also broke the Choteau school records in both races, twice during the season. She's also a 4.0 student and a heckuva runner!

Our Male Athlete of the Week is also a Freshman from Choteau.   Rusch Yeager has been pushing the bar all season long, but at the State Meet he stepped it up another notch and you could say shattered his personal best in the High Jump with a 6'2' leap and the State B Championship. Rusch had finished 2nd in the event at Divisionals and another testament to his hard work to take the extra step and win against the best competition in the State. Choteau Head Coach Callie Peebles noted that Rusch had the full support of his brother Justyce who also qualified for State in the High Jump.

Coach Peebles said both Hodgskiss and Yeager worked hard all season and are great, positive examples in Choteau. Congratulations to our KSEN/K96--Bozeman Trophy Athletes of the Week, FR. Natalie Hodgskiss of Choteau and Fr. Rusch Yeager of Choteau.  The Athlete of the Week is sponsored locally by McDonald's in Cut Bank. McDonald's honors our Athlete's with two free value meals each. These are our final Athletes of the Week.  We'll be looking for the best in the fall.

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