Our KSEN / K96 -- Bozeman Trophy Athletes of the Week stood out on the big stage last week. Our Female Athlete of the Week was on the biggest stage there is...the State Tournament. Sr. Shelby golfer Delaney Clark has led the way for the Lady Coyote team all season long and she came thru one more time in the State B Tournament on her home golf course at Marias Valley. Weather conditions weren't perfect down in the valley, but Delaney is used to that and was able to shoot a solid 86 on the opening day and then 90 on the second day.  Her 3rd place finish was well beyond any other local girls, but it was her teammate, Penelope Heaton who was 2nd best among local golfers in the top 23.  That finish, along with Clark's 3rd place overall gave the Shelby team a 4th place finish overall. Also nominated again this week was last week's winner Sr. Taylor Evans of Conrad who again won the 100, 200 and 400m at the Divisional Track meet in Glasgow.

Our Male Athlete was also nominated last week after the 9C District Track meet.  This week he stepped it up even one more notch and we're naming CJI So. Cooper Streit.  The 3-sport Athlete for the Hawks turned in a personal best and finished 3rd in the 800m, a personal best and 2nd place in the 1600m, and 1st place in the 3200m. Streit also ran with the CJI 1600m relay team which finished 4th.  CJI Coach Brittney Anderson said Cooper is a leader by example and when asked to run all three of those brutal races before the District, "he didn't even blink." We also had a nomination for Kellen Meyer of Choteau who finished 4th at the State B Golf Tournament and was named "Athlete of the Week," after winning the Divisional the week before.

Congratulations to our KSEN/K96--Bozeman Trophy Athletes of the Week, Sr. Delaney Clark of Shelby, and So. Cooper Streit of CJI.   The Athlete of the Week is sponsored locally by McDonald's in Cut Bank. McDonald's honors our Athlete's with two free value meals each.


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