Bundle Of Joy
That was "ME" when my late parents brought me home from the Baby Factory. It's also tonight's (Monday) Classic Movie tonight down at the beautiful Orpheum Theatre in Conrad. It's "Classic Movies at the Orpheum" every Monday night & this evening's feature film is "Bundle Of Joy" starring Debbie Reynolds & Eddie Fisher back when they were both alive & USED to get along. This flick is a regular romp! After getting fired from her job, poor Debbie finds an adorable baby on the steps of the foundling home & the folks inside mistake her for the mother. Fisher, well-meaning, but obtuse (look it up,) tries to help her out with the baby, & the buds of romance begin to appear! Curtain time is 7 o'clock SHARP tonight & dig this...the admission's only a DOLLAR! ALL the Monday night Classic Movies are thanks to the Pondera Arts Council. Check out the website at: www.conradorpheum.com, & thank YOU for coming to the movies...the Classic Movies.