
4-H Offers Workshops in Photography, Quilting
4-H Offers Workshops in Photography, Quilting
4-H Offers Workshops in Photography, Quilting
All 4-H youth are invited to take part in a Digital Photography class, sponsored by the Pondera County Extension Service, on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at the Pondera Center, 317 Virginia St., in Conrad. Topics to be covered include: Getting to know your digital camera, settings and file sizes, working with menus, and basic photo composition...
IFYE: Bringing the World Home
IFYE: Bringing the World Home
IFYE: Bringing the World Home
The International 4‐H Youth Exchange (IFYE) is an exchange for young adults, ages 18‐30. This is both an inbound and outbound program and every year Montana hosts a number of IFYE delegates from primarily European countries. These people are affiliated with 4‐H or other rural youth organizations in their home countries...
4-H Seeking Host Families for Japanese Students
4-H Seeking Host Families for Japanese Students
4-H Seeking Host Families for Japanese Students
The Japanese summer inbound exchange is for Montana families who have kids within two years of age as the delegate they host. The delegates are ages 12-16 and are affiliated with two Japanese youth organizations, Labo and LEX. Accompanied by chaperones, they come to Montana for approximately four weeks, from July 22-August 18...