
Say Cheese
Say Cheese
Say Cheese
WHO would ever do a book on "CHEESE?" Meet Vermont Professor Catherine Donnelly. She's a professor of Nutrition & Food Science, & the new book that the Prof edited is, "The Oxford Companion to Cheese." This "cheesy" book includes more than 850 entries covering cheese varieties, ancient cheese making traditions, cheese shops & cultural influences like chees
Back 2 The Heritage
Back 2 The Heritage
Back 2 The Heritage
I'll be returning to the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby tonight (Tuesday) to read & share more Montana History. Marie Ostrem filled in at the rostrum for me last week &, to the best of my knowledge unless she was slacking, continued on with a brand new read we just started up at the Heritage. Per us...
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I Can’t Believe It’s Butter
I knew a woman named "Butter" years back but Elaine Khosrova's new tome has nothing to do with this woman. Elaine's book IS "Butter: A Rich History," & with the narrative flair of Mark Kurlansky & the culinary curiosity of Michael Pollan, Elaine tells the RICH story of one of our most unassuming ingredients. Did yo...
A Big Deal @ Big Sky
A Big Deal @ Big Sky
A Big Deal @ Big Sky
More than 1500 Big Sky Resort employees chowed down this Christmas season as the result of Big Sky thanking them for all their hard work. The resort hosted a holiday dinner for their loyal employees, many of whom spent their holidays away from their families...
I Would Like 2 Add
I Would Like 2 Add
I Would Like 2 Add
I blogged earlier on about our Shelby Holiday Craft Fair yesterday (Friday) over behind the Shelby High School shop. I have MORE good news this morning. The Holiday Craft Fair is up, running & going STRONG again today (Saturday) from 10 to 3. Ye...
Home 4 The Holidays
Home 4 The Holidays
Home 4 The Holidays
Shelby IS HOME & tomorrow (Friday,) the Shelby Holiday Craft Fair will be held over at the Shelby High School shop right behind the school. Friday's Shelby Holiday Craft Fair will run from 10 until 4 with the proceeds benefitting the Shelby FFA & the Shelby Elks scholarships. See yo...
Forget It!
Forget It!
Forget It!
The 2016 BIA Irrigation Meeting scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) from 9 to noon has been cancelled! I'll keep you posted AND updated on my Puffman Blog. That's it from here now. Stay warm.
Memories & 19 Pages R All That Remain
Memories & 19 Pages R All That Remain
Memories & 19 Pages R All That Remain
Memories are all that remain from the August 25, 1931 Waldron Creek Fire west of Choteau. Only 19 pages are all that remain as we should be concluding our book, "Montana's Waldron Creek Fire; The 1931 Tragedy & The Forgotten Five" by Missoula author Dr. Ch...
Greener Pastures
Greener Pastures
Greener Pastures
There's going to be a Pasture Management Workshop tonight (Monday) over in Cut Bank. This evening's workshop will be conducted at the Glacier County Extension Office. Please RSVP TODAY at 873 2239. I'm no stranger to "pastures" myself...several of my co-workers have been suggesting for years that "I" should be "put out to pasture...
Did Mare Larr’s Storm Drains Blow Up?
Did Mare Larr’s Storm Drains Blow Up?
Did Mare Larr’s Storm Drains Blow Up?
No, no, that smell (odor) wafting up here from the Dutton area is the Lutefisk churning for tomorrow's (Sunday) Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner at the Bethany Lutheran Church in Dutton. The Lutefisk & meatballs will be on the platters Sunday afternoon from 12:30 until 3:30. Don't ...
Getting Crafty In Conrad
Getting Crafty In Conrad
Getting Crafty In Conrad
The PMC Extended Care facility down in Conrad will be holding their Holiday Craft AND Bake Sale this weekend, & it's already promising to be their best ever! The "crafty crafts" & "baked buns" go on sale tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 9:30 SHARP. Happy ...
Hooked On U
Hooked On U
Hooked On U
The Valier Area Development (VADC) will be meeting tonight (Monday) down at Froggie's in Valier. The VADC will be working on plans for...what else but...THE FISHING DERBY! The committee will also be formulating some ideas & plans for various upcoming community events in & around the Valier community.. Meeti...

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