Celebrity News

Corrupting Our Finances Freedom & Security
Corrupting Our Finances Freedom & Security
Corrupting Our Finances Freedom & Security
The book is "Unaccountable; How Elite Power Brokers Corrupt our Finances, Freedom, & Security," & this NEW hardback is up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia! Author Janine R. Wedel's the author of this truly original & chilling look at this stealthy, new corruption that increasingly infiltrates our lives. Visit her ...
180 Years In The Golden Triangle
180 Years In The Golden Triangle
180 Years In The Golden Triangle
A total of 180 years out here in the Big Sky for these two! There's going to be a 90th Birthday Party for Marsella Stetzle this afternoon (Saturday) from 2 until 4 down in Conrad at the Moose Lodge. Tomorrow afternoon, Sunday, it's over to Valier to celebrate Arthur Erickson's 90th Birthday Party from 2 until 4 at the Fireman's Pavilion at Lake Frances in Valier...
You’ll Love This Book
You’ll Love This Book
You’ll Love This Book
I'll be giving away another copy of "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses & Curses" tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia. Boston Red Sox Poet Laureate Dick Flavin put together this collection of 64 humorous & nostalgic poems celebrating the Boston Red Sox & it's a "Keeper." A commonw...
Circus Coming To The Heritage Center
Circus Coming To The Heritage Center
Circus Coming To The Heritage Center
I'll be back up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby this evening (Tuesday) to read & share more Montana History. We should be finishing up the biography of Conrad's Daniel & Panayiota McCorkle, "To Speak Of Love Was Not Enough," & the NEXT book on the program is "Three Ringlings In Montana; Circus Trains to Cattle Ranches" by Lee Rostad & it looks like
Grooving With Gruber
Grooving With Gruber
Grooving With Gruber
Tuesdays On Main continue every Tuesday during the summer & tomorrow (Tuesday), the entertainment will feature Ron Gruber. Is that groovy or what...talk about being "In the groove." Don't forget to bring your lunch & a lawn chair down to Shelby City Park tomorrow & enjoy Ron Gruber, plus ALL the upcoming concerts this summer at Tuesdays On Main" in Shelby City Park.... R
Secrets From The Dean
Secrets From The Dean
Secrets From The Dean
After 25 years of working with college students, Dean Richard R. Neuman, PhD, has published, "Are You REALLY Ready For College," & I have his book up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia. "Are You REALLY Ready For College" is a college dean's 12 secrets for success-what high school students don't know. I ...
That's what I'll be jacking my jaws about tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. MVP's & DH's & I know what those initials stand for too!. William Morrow; An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers must have heard about my great knowledge of sports, not to mention that my middle name IS :Sports,"... they...
A Visit From The Gab Man
A Visit From The Gab Man
A Visit From The Gab Man
I'm going to put through a long distance phone call to that zany New York City cabdriver, Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show. The Driver of the Yellow Mobile Conveyance Lounge has a ton of True Tales on his website: gabby...
Wake Up
Wake Up
Wake Up
No "Nappy time" this afternoon (Monday) on the Puffman Show...I'll be giving away the book, "Wake Up! Use Your Nighttime Dreams to Make Your Daytime Dreams Come True." Justina Lasley, MA, Founder & Director of the Institute for Dream Studies, brings timely & valuable guidance in the quest to understand our waking lives by delving into our dreams. Her bo...
I’ve Come Up With Another 1
I’ve Come Up With Another 1
I’ve Come Up With Another 1
I've come up with another cool  copy of the Boston Red Sox book that I gave away Saturday morning on Puffman SPORTS Trivia, & it's up for grabs today (Monday) on Puffman MUSICAL Trivia! Join me this afternoon at 4:35 when you'll have an opportunity to WIN "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses and Curses" by Boston Red Sox Poet Laureate Dick Flavin. Fl...
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
Boston Red Sox Poet Laureate, Dick Flavin, & I'm having Dick's new book, "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses & Curses," up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. From the voice of Fenway Park comes this collection of 64 humorous & nostalgic poems celebrating the Boston Red Sox. In fact, o...

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