Celebrity News

That's describes my sports trivia question set for tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. Groovin' & the NFL! The 1st caller in with the correct answer to our sports trivia question WINS Kari Lynn Dell's new book, "The Long Ride Home", & it's a fantastic read from one of our favorite Glacier County writers. The "m...
Dell’s New Book Is Swell
Dell’s New Book Is Swell
Dell’s New Book Is Swell
I don't have to tell you what a fine writer, Glacier County's Kari Lynn Dell is...we already know by reading her column in the Pioneer Press! But now, she's gone & written a wonderful book, "The Long Ride Home." David Parsons is the protagonist in this dyed-in-the-wool Montana story. Mr...
I’m Checking In To The Heritage Tonight
I’m Checking In To The Heritage Tonight
I’m Checking In To The Heritage Tonight
I'll be up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby tonight (Tuesday) reading more Montana History. We like to read Montana stories BY Montana authors, & we have a good one going right now. It's Rick Sterry's "Blizzard of '32", & in my opinion, it's a slice of life that hits you like a knuckle sandwich! A bliz...
The Man Had True Grit
The Man Had True Grit
The Man Had True Grit
That's the Classic Western Movie tonight (Monday) at the Orpheum Theatre down in Conrad. What a John Wayne "CLASSIC". In fact, the next 3 Monday nights (thru 3/16) are Classic Western Movie Nights at Conrad's beautiful Orpheum Theatre, & dig this...t...
No Winner
No Winner
No Winner
I'm a little bit crestfallen this morning because I didn't get a correct answer on my Puffman Sports Trivia Saturday morning. That's what I get for asking a sports trivia question about a Chinese NBA player! I'm going to again put the book, "Time Killer" by Todd M...
Come Karaoke For Cancer
Come Karaoke For Cancer
Come Karaoke For Cancer
The Community Cancer Foundation is all fired up for "Karaoke For Cancer" tonight (Saturday) down at Ed's Tavern in Conrad. Saturday night's Karaoke For Cancer" are a blast for both the participants AND the Ed's crowd. Registration kicks off at 8 o'clock SHARP tonight at Ed's so get there early...
I Like Chinese
I Like Chinese
I Like Chinese
I have a "Chinese" Sports Trivia question lined up for tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 for Puffman Sports Trivia. I'm not even sure how to pronounce the guy's name but that's never stopped me before. If the sports brackets don't scare me, I'm not afraid of anything...
Some Kind Of Writer
Some Kind Of Writer
Some Kind Of Writer
I'm blogging about Montana author Rick Sterry. Rick's written some books including: "Over The Fence", When Shotgun Goes Off Watch Out For Bear Trap", "Selected Stories", & his memoir, "Far Out: Life on the Edge." When I'm jacking my jaws about Rick Sterry, I always mention how much we're all enjoying his "Blizzard of '32" up at the Marias Heritage C
Recording Star In Danger
Recording Star In Danger
Recording Star In Danger
On today's date, February 16th, back in 1962, a recording star who you still hear these days on Good-As-Gold KSEN AM 1150, was in a heap of hurts, & we'll learn more this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia. The 1st lucky listener who calls in with the correct answer to my musical trivia question will WIN the hardback book, "All American; Two Young Men, The 2001 Army-Navy
Live Theatre In Conrad Today
Live Theatre In Conrad Today
Live Theatre In Conrad Today
The Missoula Children's Theatre will be presenting "The Princess and the Pea", a truly delightful presentation this afternoon (Saturday) down in Conrad. TWO performances are scheduled in the Conrad High School...one at 3 o'clock today & the 2nd at 5:30. Ev...

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