Celebrity News

It’s Gonna’ B WILD Tonight
It’s Gonna’ B WILD Tonight
It’s Gonna’ B WILD Tonight
The Two Medicine Alliance is sponsoring a special screening of the 2015 International Wildlife films tonight over in East Glacier & you're invited. The "Movies" kick off at 7 o'clock SHARP at the Community Hall in East Glacier & EVERONE'S welcome to attend. I reca...
Conquering Concussion
Conquering Concussion
Conquering Concussion
Kirkus Reviews raves "Conquering Concussion" authored & researched by Mary Lee Esty, Ph.D. & C.M. Shifflett is 1 of the BEST Books of 2014. It received the Non Fiction Gold Winner Book Award, & I'm giving the book away tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia! Time alone...
60 Left To Go
60 Left To Go
60 Left To Go
60 pages NOT years to go in our Charles E. Conrad saga up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby, & I'll be there tonight (Tuesday) to read more Montana History. I don't want to imply that this has been one LONG read, but the Korean War was going on & we "Liked Ike" when we started reading "Half Interest In a Silver Dollar: The Saga of Charles E. Conrad...
Sheldon Scores Again
Sheldon Scores Again
Sheldon Scores Again
Earlier this morning, I blogged on "Feet." Now, allow me to submit that moss doesn't grow under Conrad, Montana sculptor, author & celebrity Dale's Sheldon's feet. "Dangerous" Dale's signature bronze, "Paco", has been selected for inclusion in Paris Gibson Square's 19th Annual Art Auction down in the "Electricity City." ...
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Veteran photographer/author Eric G. La Price's brand new book, "Best Foot Forward" is a FUN & interesting addition to any coffee table. The book is a literal play on the English idiom, "Put your best foot forward," & it's filled with tons of creative photography, much interesting reading & many unusual factoids. When I too...
Where Have You Been, Todd?
Where Have You Been, Todd?
Where Have You Been, Todd?
I've been looking for Todd, the custom cutter guy, who comes up to our Golden Triangle every harvest season, & I'm happy to report this morning that "Tall-Todd" is down in Vernon, Texas, where the winter wheat is from 1 inch up to 12 inches HIGH! Th...
Know Anything About Cycling?
Know Anything About Cycling?
Know Anything About Cycling?
I've come up with a spectacular sports trivia question for tomorrow (Saturday) morning as I'll be jacking my jaws about cycling...Tour de France style! The 1st caller in Saturday morning with the correct answer to my cycling Puffman Sports Trivia question WINS the book, "The Yoga Miracle; How Yoga and Meditation Bring You Health, Happiness and Spiritual Wellness"...
Sleeping Allowed
Sleeping Allowed
Sleeping Allowed
The Missoula Children's Theatre, along with our Valier Schools, will be putting on their presentation of "Sleeping Beauty" THIS Friday evening down at the Valier High School Multi-Purpose Room & dig this...Tickets will be available & sold at the door Friday night. It's a...
Come To The Cabaret
Come To The Cabaret
Come To The Cabaret
About the only thing that I enjoy more, outside of NASCAR & Karaoke, is CABARET(!), & Cabaret is coming to Sunburst THIS Friday night. The Cabaret will be held from 6 to 9:30 Friday evening up at the Sunburst High School. They're going to have hot dogs & taco in a bag (good place for them) along with a silent auction. Everyone's...
Book On Down To Conrad
Book On Down To Conrad
Book On Down To Conrad
There's still time to catch the book signing & author presentation this morning (Tuesday) down at the Conrad Public Library. The book is, "Our Hutterite Life," & there will be a "Limited" number of SIGNED copies available this morning at the library. This m...
Rounding 3rd & Heading 4 Home
Rounding 3rd & Heading 4 Home
Rounding 3rd & Heading 4 Home
I'll be reading more Montana History tonight (Tuesday) up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby, & we have fewer than 70 pages to go in former Kalispell attorney James E. Murphy's "Half Interest in a Silver Dollar; The Saga of Charles E. Co...
It Was A Debacle On Saturday
It Was A Debacle On Saturday
It Was A Debacle On Saturday
Saturday morning, I had the new book, "Live Happy; Ten Practices for Choosing Joy," by Deborah K. Heisz & the Editors of Live Happy Magazine" up for grabs. Things were going relatively well, for the most part, on my 7:30 sports broadcast but, when it came to the Puffman Sports Trivia, I got the both the question & answer mixed up. How wa...

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