College Sports

Boor Is Certainly No Bore
Boor Is Certainly No Bore
Boor Is Certainly No Bore
Jackie Boor is one of our GREAT author's, & her tome, "Logan: The Honorable Life and Scandalous Death of a Western Lawman" is "Nevada history at it's best" according to acclaimed Nevada Historian Guy Roocha. Dressed only in a nightshirt & unarmed, Sheriff Thomas Logan lay bleeding outside the Jewel, a house of questionable reputation, although after reading the book, I
Live Forever
Live Forever
Live Forever
I'm all for that idea, & tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, Grammy winner Mylon Le Fevre's hardcover book is up for grabs & goes to the 1st caller with the correct answer to my Puffman Sports Trivia question. "Live ...
Our Children’s Futures
Our Children’s Futures
Our Children’s Futures
Big Sky Resort will be hosting the 7th annual Educator Appreciation Weekend THIS weekend, Friday (tomorrow) through Sunday, to give thanks for the great job teachers & education assistants do for our children's futures. Big Sky is offering FREE skiing to area educators & 1/2 price lift tickets to their immediate family both Saturday & Sunday when they book through Big Sky Resort Centra
See The Pyramids
See The Pyramids
See The Pyramids
I've put together a Puffman Sports Trivia question for tomorrow (Saturday) morning pertaining one of the world's tallest pyramids, & the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question WINS the FRIGHTENING book, "Biowarfare And Terrorism" by Francis A. Bo...
A Thank You To Our Military
A Thank You To Our Military
A Thank You To Our Military
Big Sky Resort will be hosting Military Appreciation Weekend this weekend, Friday through Sunday, to thank our Armed Forces for their service to our country. Active duty or retired military men & women can ski or snowboard FREE with valid military identification, & their immediate families will receive 40, $1.00 lift...
Puzzling Symptoms
Puzzling Symptoms
Puzzling Symptoms
It's a book for patients AND families penned by Dr. Clifton K. Meador, M.D. & it's "Up for grabs" tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia! Dr. Meador is a best selling & "Puzzling Symptoms; how to solve the puzzle of your symptoms" is the good doctor's 11th book. I'm a ...
Hot Time In The Old Town
Hot Time In The Old Town
Hot Time In The Old Town
If you've caught the Puffman Show this week, you already know that I've been "jacking-my-jaws" about the Shelby Booster Club meeting this evening (Wednesday). The Shelby Booster Club is scheduled to met tonight at 7 o'clock SHARP down at the Sports Club (where else...
A Football Saturday Morning
A Football Saturday Morning
A Football Saturday Morning
New York Times Bestselling Author's & award winning writer Steve Eubank's HarperCollins hardback "All American-Two Young Men, The 2001 Army-Navy Game & The War They Fought In Iraq" is up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. The ma...
Bringing It To Life
Bringing It To Life
Bringing It To Life
Montana's Ken Egan's new book, "Montana 1864" brings it all to life(!) & Dr. Egan's book is up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman SPORTS Trivia at 7:30. Montana's territorial year (1864) springs to life with stories about Indians, traders, gold miners, trail blazers, fortune-seekers, settlers, Vigilantes, presidents, & outlaws. Dr. Eg...
Race Sex Money Vicariousness
Race Sex Money Vicariousness
Race Sex Money Vicariousness
It's all there & hits you like a knuckle sandwich in the new hardback book from HarperCollins that will be up for grabs at 7:30 tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. All stories about SPORTS in America are stories about race & class. In Chr...
Recognitions Abounds For Big Sky
Recognitions Abounds For Big Sky
Recognitions Abounds For Big Sky
Being the Biggest Skiing in America goes beyond acreage as recent recognitions reveal for Big Sky Resort. The Resort has been awarded 2014 Best Resort Terrain by, World's 25 Best Ski Towns by National Geographic, America's Snowiest Ski Resort from Huffington Post, Open Table Diners' Choice in July, Wine Spectator's Award of Excellence, & Best in the West by Meetings Focus. SK...
All The Sports All The Time
All The Sports All The Time
All The Sports All The Time
That's what our reader board outside our KSEN Studios says this month. Please enjoy it as your drive by on Oilfield Avenue (from either direction). Speaking of "All The Sports All The Time", you can visit our sports broadcast schedule All THE TIME on our website(s): ksenam...

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