
You’re Forgiven
You’re Forgiven
You’re Forgiven
This week is National Library Week, & you're invited to stop in at our Toole County Library here in Shelby. You'll have the opportunity to "guess" the number of adult nonfiction books...there's packs of seeds up for grabs in this deal. There'll be some "pardons" available also if you're holding any overdue books. Yo...
He Calls It A Conspiracy!
He Calls It A Conspiracy!
He Calls It A Conspiracy!
He's Dan Kovalik, & Mr. Kovalik, ESQ., is the author of the book that's up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia! The book is, "The Plot To Scapegoat Russia; How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia." O...
Make A Difference Save A Life
Make A Difference Save A Life
Make A Difference Save A Life
Hi Line Help for Abused Spouses will be holding their 5th Annual End Violence Color Run THIS Sunday afternoon. This "run" is in awareness of child abuse prevention AND Sexual Assault Awareness Month & will kick off at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Hi Line Help for Abused Spouses office down in Conrad....
Striving & Surviving
Striving & Surviving
Striving & Surviving
There will be a presentation (talk) on human trafficking this evening (Thursday) from 6 to 7 down at the Conrad Public Library. ALL are welcome to attend. Starting at 4 o'clock this afternoon, clothing & jewelry made BY survivors of human trafficking will be on sale at the library. W...
That's the "international symbol" denoting good old "SLEEP" in the funny papers, & the Classic Movie tonight (Monday) at the beautiful Orpheum Theater down in Conrad is "The Big Sleep." I'll be more than ready for the 7 o'clock curtain time after playing some "nappy time" tunes on my Puffman Show this afternoon. Th...
Fight On!
Fight On!
Fight On!
Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, I'll be jacking my jaws about an ALLTIME WNBA scorer. The first caller in with the correct answer to my WNBA sports trivia question will WIN the unforgettable story of a boy who fled persecution in Nazi Germany, & returned as a CONQUEROR! Th...
A Restless Irresistible Read!
A Restless Irresistible Read!
A Restless Irresistible Read!
That's what "Dangerous" Dan Winslow waxes about the NEW hardcover book (William Morrow, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers) that's up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. Mr. Winslow's the infamous author of "The Force," & he knows his stuff! Th...
What’s Up With The Ruskies?
What’s Up With The Ruskies?
What’s Up With The Ruskies?
We might find out tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. The 1st listener who calls in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question pertaining to an infamous NFL player will WIN the book, "The Plot To Scapegoat Russia; How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia...
Rounding 3rd, Heading 2 Home
Rounding 3rd, Heading 2 Home
Rounding 3rd, Heading 2 Home
I'll be up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby this evening (Tuesday) to read & share MORE Montana History. We should be finishing our current read, "Glacier Ghost Stories: Spooky Tales & Legends from Glacier National Park," & it's been a GOOD one for sure! We'll do ...
A “Wale” Of A Story
A “Wale” Of A Story
A “Wale” Of A Story
I'll be up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby tonight (Tuesday) to read (out loud even!) more Montana History. We're currently reading "Glacier Ghost Stories" by Montana author & paranormal investigator Karen Stevens. We've been enjoying all her spooky tales & legends from Glacier National Park. Last T...
Is Many Glacier Hotel The Most Haunted?
Is Many Glacier Hotel The Most Haunted?
Is Many Glacier Hotel The Most Haunted?
We'll find out tomorrow (Tuesday) evening when we read & share more Montana History up at the Heritage. We're currently reading Montana author & paranormal investigator Karen Steven's "Glacier Ghost Stories; Spooky Tales & Legends from Glacier National Park." Tomorrow ...
C U @ The Lodge
C U @ The Lodge
C U @ The Lodge
We'll be doing some more "armchair" traveling tonight (Tuesday) & checking into Lake McDonald Lodge over in Glacier as we continue our current read during Montana History up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby.  The book is, "Glacier Ghost Stories," by Montana author AND paranormal investigator Karen Stevens. Sc...

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