
It’s The Bee’s Knees
It’s The Bee’s Knees
It’s The Bee’s Knees
Actually it's  the March precipitation report from the Knees. There was a trace of precipt on March 7th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 23rd, & 30th. March 19th & 21st were better with .04 & .02 respectively. The total precipitation for the month of March was .06. The mon...
Shelby RECCS Taking Pre-Orders for Garden Plants
Shelby RECCS Taking Pre-Orders for Garden Plants
Shelby RECCS Taking Pre-Orders for Garden Plants
On today's Extension Minute, Toole County Agent Alice Burchak talked about the Shelby Community Gardens. Here are the contact numbers for the gardens, and the list of vegetable starts available through the Shelby Schools RECCS program: For information on leasing a plot at the Shelby Community garden call MSU Extension 424-8350...
Down On The Farm
Down On The Farm
Down On The Farm
I received word from "Tall" Todd, one of the custom cutters guys who comes to Montana every harvest season, that he has been in contract with producers in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, & Colorado. Todd reports that Ken Adderholt had an inch of rain about 10 days ago, followed by 90 degree heat. Th...
Drat Those Droughts
Drat Those Droughts
Drat Those Droughts
Drought conditions seem to be gradually improving across our Treasure State. According to the National Weather Service down in Great Falls, a weak upper level high pressure ridge continued to dominate the weather over much Montana during the month of January with a northwest flow aloft prevailing over eastern Montana...
A Look-See From The Knees
A Look-See From The Knees
A Look-See From The Knees
This morning (Wednesday), I received the monthly precipitation report for all of 2012 from the Knees & I found it most interesting looking back over the past year. LAST January .22 was recorded, only .10 in February, .67 in March with the HIGHEST total for the year in April pouring in at 2.73!...
Christmas Crop Conditions
Christmas Crop Conditions
Christmas Crop Conditions
Received word this morning from "Tall" Todd, the custom harvest guy who comes up here to the Golden Triangle every summer. Todd has been in touch with Terry Lemmon from "The Gin" down in the Harrold/Vernon, Texas area & Terry is saying that if they don't get moisture within the next 2 weeks to forget coming down this next spring...
December Crop Conditions
December Crop Conditions
December Crop Conditions
Word was received earlier this morning (Monday), from "Tall" Todd, one of the custom cutter guys who comes up here to the Golden Triangle every season. Todd says that he visited with producers in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, & Colorado & that the conditions are DRY! Vaughn...
We’re Doing The Monster Mulch
We’re Doing The Monster Mulch
We’re Doing The Monster Mulch
It seems every year at this time, we hear Bobby "Boris" Pickett belting out "The Monster Mash. I think I speak for many of us when I say that we've all heard that tune one time too many!. This Saturday, down in Conrad, it's not "the mash", it's "the mulch"...
Rain In The South
Rain In The South
Rain In The South
By the "South", I'm blogging about the Ag producers in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, & Texas. Colorado had 4 inches of rain in the past 10 days. The "Lucky" Linnenbergs will commence seeding in Colorado, as soon as the ground dries out. Kansas reports NOTHING! Ok...
It’s All Over Up North
It’s All Over Up North
It’s All Over Up North
I received a report this morning (Thursday) from Tall-Todd, the custom cutting fellow. Todd has been cutting up north in Alberta & he says Alberta province has "pretty much been cut out". There IS some winter wheat being seeded, but the drought is ongoing up there also...
MSU Extension Offers Workshop for Landscapers
MSU Extension Offers Workshop for Landscapers
MSU Extension Offers Workshop for Landscapers
BOZEMAN – The Montana State University Extension Urban Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM) is offering the workshop “Weed Identification for Landscape Professionals,” on Oct. 9 in Billings and Oct. 10 in Great Falls. There also will be an update of insects and disease on trees in 2012...
What Happened To Our Custom Cutters?
I received word this morning (Friday), stating that Travelin' Todd, the custom cutter guy, has moved north of the border to Lethbridge & points west out on what is known as the Blood Indian Reserve. They cut some green field peas & are currently picking up wheat swaths...

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