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2012 Election Day Wrap-Up: Senate Races, Ballot Measures and Florida’s Tied Again
2012 Election Day Wrap-Up: Senate Races, Ballot Measures and Florida’s Tied Again
2012 Election Day Wrap-Up: Senate Races, Ballot Measures and Florida’s Tied Again
Do you see that one part of the map there in the lower-right corner that's not like the rest of the map? If you were of political age in 2000, this mostly red-and-blue map looks frighteningly familiar, but fear not: even though the phrase "Florida is still too close to call" may send shudders down many people's spines, this time around it won't matter much.
2012 Election Day: Obama Wins Second Term
2012 Election Day: Obama Wins Second Term
2012 Election Day: Obama Wins Second Term
UPDATE 11:20: The networks have announced that Barack Obama will be reelected to a second term, after wrapping up the state of Ohio. The 2012 presidential election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will finally conclude tonight, as voters head to their local polls to choose who gets to sleep in the White House on January 20, 2013. We'll be following all the results very closely, adding the late
Claim Your Election Day Freebies
Claim Your Election Day Freebies
Claim Your Election Day Freebies
Well, it's finally Election Day here in the old Land of the Free, and what better way to give yourself a pat on the back for getting out there and casting your all-important vote than with some free stuff, right?

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