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Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Health Care Law
Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Health Care Law
Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Health Care Law
The Obama administration got an enormous victory on Thursday when the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to uphold the President’s signature achievement: the 2010 health care law. And in a surprise to many court watchers, it was Chief Justice John Roberts who sided with the more liberal justices and wrote the majority opinion.
And the Highest-Rated Auto Companies in the US Are…
And the Highest-Rated Auto Companies in the US Are…
And the Highest-Rated Auto Companies in the US Are…
Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, Ford, Chevy, Nissan… All these brands claim to sell the best cars on the market, boasting reliability, endurance, speed and the like. But when it comes to what the general public thinks, which of these brands actually lives up to their claim?
Running Late to Work? It May Not Matter
Running Late to Work? It May Not Matter
Running Late to Work? It May Not Matter
If you were a little late to the office this morning, you may not need to stress about it too much. A new study indicates a lot of bosses are so sure that employees are working and checking emails before they come in that clock-watching is swiftly becoming a thing of the past.

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