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Bradley Manning Acquitted of Aiding Enemy, Guilty of Espionage and Other Charges
Bradley Manning Acquitted of Aiding Enemy, Guilty of Espionage and Other Charges
Bradley Manning Acquitted of Aiding Enemy, Guilty of Espionage and Other Charges
Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private who leaked classified documents to the website Wikileaks in 2010, was acquitted Tuesday of aiding the enemy, the most serious of the many charges brought against him. He will still go to jail, though, likely for a very long time, because he was convicted of numerous lesser charges.
Oakland Raiders Punter Chris Kluwe Provides Awesome View of Training Camp with Google Glass
Oakland Raiders Punter Chris Kluwe Provides Awesome View of Training Camp with Google Glass
Oakland Raiders Punter Chris Kluwe Provides Awesome View of Training Camp with Google Glass
Getting on the field is the dream of all football fans. Oakland Raiders punter Chris Kluwe is doing his part to make that happen. Kluwe donned Google Glass and then headed out onto the field during Raiders training camp, enabling others to experience just what is happening on the field, while he holds snaps for kicker Sebastian Janikowski...

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