
Kill Two Stones With One Bird
Kill Two Stones With One Bird
Kill Two Stones With One Bird
That's what "they" say Chuck Norris can do in "The Official Chuck Norris Fact Book (101 Of Chuck's Favorite Facts & Stories). & the ol' Chucker himself chimes in & says, "I officially approve "The Official Chuck Norris Fact Book". What can I...
A Special Showing
A Special Showing
A Special Showing
The First Baptist Church down in Valier will be holding their Good Friday Soup Social THIS Friday evening. The First Baptist Church will also have a "special" showing of the Billy Graham film, "The Cross" at their Friday Soup Social. This special Good Friday event begins at 6 o'clock SHARP Friday night at the church...
Why Did They Do It
Why Did They Do It
Why Did They Do It
We are only 1 week into this daylight savings time nonsense & already, I don't like it. The modern idea of daylight savings time, or DST as they call it in the jewelry/watch business, was 1st proposed back in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson, or ol' GV as his buddies called him. I'...
The Golden Age
The Golden Age
The Golden Age
It was the 50' was the Golden Age Of television & the new novel that I'm giving away this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia at 4:30 is a fun read for any of us who remember back when "television WAS television." This tome from Julian David Stone is a neat novel entitled "The Strange Birth, Short Life, and Sudden Death of Justice Girl." I...
Undaunted Courage Ultimate Sacrifice
Undaunted Courage Ultimate Sacrifice
Undaunted Courage Ultimate Sacrifice
The book is the New York Times BESTSELLER, "Fearless; The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown" that I'm giving away this afternoon, Monday, on Puffman Musical Trivia at 4:30. It's an action packed read by New York Times Best-Selling author Eric Blehm that takes the reader deep into SEAL Team Six, straight to the heart of one of its most lege
It Wasn’t Bill Clinton Either
It Wasn’t Bill Clinton Either
It Wasn’t Bill Clinton Either
Which future president walked down the aisle beside a pregnant bride? No, it wasn't Bill Clinton, but the answer's in the new book, "Weddings/365: A day-by-day selection of memorable celebrity weddings" by Harvey Solomon. Solomon has covered media & pop culture for more than a quarter century. He...

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