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9/11 Widow Peg Ogonowski Reminisces – And Looks Ahead [VIDEO]
9/11 Widow Peg Ogonowski Reminisces – And Looks Ahead [VIDEO]
9/11 Widow Peg Ogonowski Reminisces – And Looks Ahead [VIDEO]
Peg Ogonowski’s late husband, John, was the captain of American Flight 11 — better known as the first plane to hit the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. “It was that moment of before and after,” said Peg, a former flight attendant. “There was my whole life before and then everything changed. It was a real line in my life that there will always be before 9/11 and after 9/11.”
US Intelligence Officials on Alert After Terror Plot Uncovered [VIDEO]
US Intelligence Officials on Alert After Terror Plot Uncovered [VIDEO]
US Intelligence Officials on Alert After Terror Plot Uncovered [VIDEO]
After the death of Osama bin Laden earlier this year, the man who took his place as al Qaeda’s chief, Ayman al-Zawahiri, vowed to avenge bin Laden’s death with an attack on the US. Now, intelligence officials believe at least three people entered the country in August with the intent of launching a vehicle-borne attack against Washington, DC or New York around the time of the anniversary of 9/11.
National 9/11 Flag Touring the United States
National 9/11 Flag Touring the United States
National 9/11 Flag Touring the United States
After the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, one of the largest American flags damaged during the attacks continued to fly above the resulting wreckage during the clean-up efforts. Seven years later, that flag, dubbed the National 9/11 Flag, was sewn back together by tornado survivors in Greensburg, Kansas, and has also been stitched by World War II veterans, survivors of the Ft
Mel Gibson May Play Jewish Hero in Next Film
Mel Gibson May Play Jewish Hero in Next Film
Mel Gibson May Play Jewish Hero in Next Film
Talk about going against type. Rumors are swilling that Mel Gibson may cast himself as Judah Maccabee in an upcoming epic based on the life of the Jewish military hero who led a revolt against the armies of Greek and Syria between 167–160 BC.
Magazine Covers From Days Following September 11, 2001
Magazine Covers From Days Following September 11, 2001
Magazine Covers From Days Following September 11, 2001
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 brought the world to a standstill, with all eyes focused on New York City. Below are some of the more iconic magazine covers from the days and weeks following the tragic event.   Time September 14, 2001     The cover of Time Magazine's September 14, 2001 edition featured a chilling photo of the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center. The co
New Movie Releases: ‘Contagion,’ ‘Bucky Larson,’ and ‘Warrior’ [VIDEOS]
New Movie Releases: ‘Contagion,’ ‘Bucky Larson,’ and ‘Warrior’ [VIDEOS]
New Movie Releases: ‘Contagion,’ ‘Bucky Larson,’ and ‘Warrior’ [VIDEOS]
Moviegoers this weekend will have a choice of three new films in wide release. In ‘Contagion,’ Matt Damon fights a viral epidemic that could endanger the entire planet, while the title character in ‘Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star‘ learns his parents were once porn-stars and abandons his small town life to follow in their footsteps. Finally, ‘Warrior‘ see ...
Americans Are the Coolest People on the Planet, Says the Rest of the World
Americans Are the Coolest People on the Planet, Says the Rest of the World
Americans Are the Coolest People on the Planet, Says the Rest of the World
A survey of 30,000 people in 15 nations by the social networking site has found that America ranks as the world’s “coolest nationality.” Other countries singled out for their hip nature were Brazil (second coolest overall) and Spain (coolest in Europe.) Belgium edged out Poland for least coolest nationality status.
Minorities Were Targeted in ‘Revenge Attacks’ Following September 11 [VIDEO]
Minorities Were Targeted in ‘Revenge Attacks’ Following September 11 [VIDEO]
Minorities Were Targeted in ‘Revenge Attacks’ Following September 11 [VIDEO]
In the weeks and months following the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, many Americans became more patriotic. They tied yellow ribbons around trees, raised the flag, donated blood and enlisted in the military. Others, however, decided to seek revenge, and because their targets were so far away, they opted to hurt anyone who appeared to fit a specific profile. In the past 10 years, the FBI has investi
Airport Screenings May Soon Abolish Shoe Removal Requirement
Airport Screenings May Soon Abolish Shoe Removal Requirement
Airport Screenings May Soon Abolish Shoe Removal Requirement
Ever since infamous “shoe bomber” Richard Reid tried — and failed — to blow up a plane by igniting explosives in his shoes during a 2001 flight, travelers have been forced to remove footwear for screening when going through airport security. But according to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, that time-worn tradition may soon fall to the wayside.

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