Music News

2011 MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet
2011 MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet
2011 MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet
The stars turned out on the red carpet — or should we say black carpet? — for the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. Celebs included Justin Bieber, who rocked a pair of scholarly specs, and Jessie J, who rocked a pair of bedazzled crutches and a cast (the singer sprained her foot at a recent live show).
Illinois’ Elmhurst College Questions Potential Students About Their Sexuality
Illinois’ Elmhurst College Questions Potential Students About Their Sexuality
Illinois’ Elmhurst College Questions Potential Students About Their Sexuality
“Would you consider yourself a member of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community?” That’s what Elmhurst College recently asked prospective students on its application form. The private liberal arts school in suburban Chicago, which is affiliated with the United Church of Christ, is believed to be the first college in the US to ask the question.
Which States Have the Highest Marriage and Divorce Rates?
Which States Have the Highest Marriage and Divorce Rates?
Which States Have the Highest Marriage and Divorce Rates?
The 2009 Census reveals that while couples in western and southern states marry more often, they also divorce at a higher rate than those in other areas of the US. Andrew Cherlin, a professor of sociology and public policy at Johns Hopkins University, said, “Surprisingly, the south and west, which we think of as more socially conservative, have higher rates of divorce than does the supposedly libe
What’s the Most Stolen Car on the Road Today?
What’s the Most Stolen Car on the Road Today?
What’s the Most Stolen Car on the Road Today?
New data from the Highway Loss Data Institute, which uses auto insurance claims to track the cars most likely to be stolen or broken into, says the most popular car with thieves is the Cadillac Escalade. It’s the fourth year in a row the luxury SUV has topped the list, with about 10 of every 1,000 Escalades on the road falling victim to criminals. In a statement, Escalade maker GM said a number of
Hawaii Remains the Nation’s Happiest State, But What’s the Unhappiest One?
Hawaii Remains the Nation’s Happiest State, But What’s the Unhappiest One?
Hawaii Remains the Nation’s Happiest State, But What’s the Unhappiest One?
Just like it did last year, Hawaii snagged the top spot in Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which ranks the happiness level of each state. The index bases happiness on a combination of six factors: emotional health, physical health, healthy lifestyle, job satisfaction, access to health care and safe places to exercise, and, finally, life evaluation — which includes a self-evaluation about your
House Fire Kills 11 in Australia [VIDEO]
House Fire Kills 11 in Australia [VIDEO]
House Fire Kills 11 in Australia [VIDEO]
Eleven people perished Tuesday when a fire burned down a house near Brisbane, Australia. Search teams are trying to retrieve the victims’ bodies from the two-story house, but the process is proving most difficult due to the extensive damage caused by the fire. The intense blaze also destroyed two vehicles parked near the building. It is not known whether smoke alarms were fitted in the home. Read
Rare East Coast Earthquake Damages National Cathedral, Washington Monument [VIDEO]
Rare East Coast Earthquake Damages National Cathedral, Washington Monument [VIDEO]
Rare East Coast Earthquake Damages National Cathedral, Washington Monument [VIDEO]
The 5.8-magnitude earthquake that unnerved millions of people on the East Coast of the United States on Tuesday forced schools in three states to close and damaged several buildings and federal landmarks. At least four aftershocks followed the powerful quake, including a 3.4-magnitude tremblor that hit near the nation’s capital overnight.

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