
Weam Is A Winner
Weam Is A Winner
Weam Is A Winner
I'm ready for another round of Puffman Sports Trivia tomorrow (Saturday) morning on the Puffman Show. I'll be jacking my jaws about the NBA & placing another Weam Namou book up for grabs at 7:30. Weam's an Iraqi American author, journalist, & filmmaker. She's ...
Glacier County Treasurer Will Not Resign
Glacier County Treasurer Will Not Resign
Glacier County Treasurer Will Not Resign
January 11th was the deadline for Glacier County Treasurer, Mary Ann Boggs. With a certified recall petition against her, Boggs had the option of either resigning or writing a 200 word rebuttal as to why she should not resign and has chosen the latter. That rebuttal is public information and should be released in the near future. Glacier County assistant election administrator Jocko Parrent says t
We’re On Chapter 37 Already
We’re On Chapter 37 Already
We’re On Chapter 37 Already
It's Montana History night up at the Marias Heritage Center this evening (Tuesday), & we'll be starting Chapter 37 of our book on the saga of Charles E. Conrad. It's a long book, some 300 plus pages & 54 chapters all together but we're certainly enjoying James E. Murphy...
Looking All The Way Back
Looking All The Way Back
Looking All The Way Back
The centennial of Frank Sinatra's birth rolled around last month (December 12th), & a new book looks all the way back over that long, long, road, & finds that they were very good years indeed. The hardback book is David Lehman's "Sinatra's Century; One Hundred Notes On The Man And His World" from Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins & the book is up for grabs this afternoon (M
A Very Good Book Indeed
A Very Good Book Indeed
A Very Good Book Indeed
That's Thomas Mitz, author of "The Last Supper" referring to the book that's up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. The book is, "The Mismatched Braid," a brand new novel by Weam Namou. There's quite a story on this woman...
Talking Corn A-CORN
Talking Corn A-CORN
Talking Corn A-CORN
Yesterday on the Puffman Blog, it was "tomatoes"...today it's corn! ACORN that is. An ACORN whistleblower is out with "The Story-Behind-The-Story" on ACORN. The book is, "Race Power & Politics; Memoirs oF an ACORN Whistleblower" As Told by Marcel Reid." A...
7th Time Will Be A Charm
7th Time Will Be A Charm
7th Time Will Be A Charm
My friend, Peter Franklin, aka The Gabby Cabby," has a "True Tale" this week involving a lady New York City lady who's flunked the NY City Fire Department physical test SIX times! According to the driver of the yellow conveyance lounge, the "locals" are saying that "The Fix" is in, & she'll make it for sure when she gets her 7th chance. I'...
The Final Time This Year
The Final Time This Year
The Final Time This Year
Tonight's the last Tuesday night in December, & I'll be reporting for duty at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby to read & share some more Montana History. We're only through about half the saga of Charles E. Conrad in Kalispell attorney James E. Murphy...
Keep Them All Clear
Keep Them All Clear
Keep Them All Clear
To date, the City of Shelby has experienced several slips & falls because of ice & snow accumulations on city sidewalks. MOST of the slips & falls have been senior citizens & some of the injuries extensive! Check out the City of Shelby Newsletter to view our City Of Shelby Sidewalk Snow Rremoval Ordinance. It looks like ...
300 Youth Killed
300 Youth Killed
300 Youth Killed
Over 300 young people are KILLED in farm accidents every year(!) & this coming Tuesday, December 29th, there'll be a FREE Youth Farm Safety Training session conducted at the Conrad High School Shop. This safety training is being offered by the Montana State University Pondera County Extension, Western Triangle Ag Research Center & Frontline Ag. Such t...
Down The Drain
Down The Drain
Down The Drain
It took Charles E. Conrad 34 years to build his fortune & empire, yet in less than 20 years it all went down the proverbial drain! Things could have been worse. I would imagine it was a pretty good ride for awhile. We're reading the sage of Charles E. Co...
Small Concussions = Long Term Effects
Small Concussions = Long Term Effects
Small Concussions = Long Term Effects
We hear more & more about football & concussions these days. In fact, the new movie, "Concussions" with Will Smith opens nationwide on Christmas Day. Tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia, I'm giving away the NEW book, "Conquering Concussion; Healing TBI Symptoms With Neurofeedback and Without Drugs". Time a...

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