
Do You Want Brett Favre to Come Back? — Sports Survey of the Day
Do You Want Brett Favre to Come Back? — Sports Survey of the Day
Do You Want Brett Favre to Come Back? — Sports Survey of the Day
If one thing has been made clear through seven weeks of NFL action, it's that a lot of teams are disasters at the quarterback position. In fact, the St. Louis Rams are in such disarray that they reached out to Brett Favre's agent to see if he'd be interested in playing for them. Would you like to see Favre come back?
Should an NFL Team Sign Tim Tebow? — Sports Survey of the Day
Should an NFL Team Sign Tim Tebow? — Sports Survey of the Day
Should an NFL Team Sign Tim Tebow? — Sports Survey of the Day
With Week 8 in the NFL about to begin, multiple teams have quarterback situations that are in extreme disarray. The season isn't even at its halfway point, yet there are six teams that could arguably use the services of Tim Tebow. Should one of those teams sign him?
5 Tips on Making Your Chronological Resume a Functional Resume
5 Tips on Making Your Chronological Resume a Functional Resume
5 Tips on Making Your Chronological Resume a Functional Resume
People normally think of a chronological résumé as the "standard" résumé, but there are many different kinds of résumés, and each serves a different purpose. If you happen to be changing careers, have a gap in employment, or want to better customize your résumé for a particular job, you should consider using what's called a functional résumé, rather than a chronological one.

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