
Fair Time Change? Board Votes On Wednesday!
Fair Time Change? Board Votes On Wednesday!
Fair Time Change? Board Votes On Wednesday!
Our Marias Fair Board will be holding their meeting this coming Wednesday night, the 5th. The board will be voting on changing the time of the fair for next year. There'll also be a discussion on other topics relative to the fair. The meeting's at 6:30, over at the ambulance barn, & the public's invited to attend Wednesday's night's board meeting at the "barn."...
Marias Fair Needs A Manager!
Marias Fair Needs A Manager!
Marias Fair Needs A Manager!
Don't worry about a thing, this summer's Marias Fair :will" be held at the "usual" time, 3rd week in July, but they need a manager to run the thing...Fair organizers are looking for someone to service as fair manager. If you have good organizational skills, some self-motivation & a real interest in in organizing our premiere  Golden Triangle summer event, job description & a
Move The Fair? What’d Think?
Move The Fair? What’d Think?
Move The Fair? What’d Think?
The Marias Fair Board will hold a public comment session this Tuesday night, the 21st. The fair board meeting's at 6:30, over at the Shelby High School Auditorium, & moving the dates of our fair next year in 2024, is on the potential agenda of Tuesday evening's meeting. Ou...
More On “Changing” Our Fair
More On “Changing” Our Fair
More On “Changing” Our Fair
Earlier this week, I blogged on the Marias Fair Board looking for local input on changing our 4 County Marias Fair week to the end of June. The fair board meets monthly on the 1st Wednesday, of the month over at the ambulance barn. They'll be taking comments at their next meeting, next Wednesday, the 1st, beginning at 6:30...
Riding Along With The Ladies
Riding Along With The Ladies
Riding Along With The Ladies
We'll be riding along with the leading, & sometimes lovely, ladies from rodeo & wild west history tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia. I'll have the book, "Along Came A Cowgirl: Daring & Iconic Women of the Rodeo & Wild West Show," up for grabs. In this passio...
Sweet Grass Motorcycle Rodeo
Sweet Grass Motorcycle Rodeo
Sweet Grass Motorcycle Rodeo
The Glocca Morra Inn invites you to come up to their 31st Annual Sweet Grass Motorcycle Rodeo and Pig Roast August 26th and 27th. Admission fee at the Rodeo Grounds gate is $40 per person, the fee includes the Rodeo, Pig Roast, Draft Beer and Refreshments...
Marias Fair FUN Time’s Back
Marias Fair FUN Time’s Back
Marias Fair FUN Time’s Back
The 81st annual 4 County Marias Fair gets underway this coming week. All the "fair fun" will run from Thursday, through Sunday. This year's theme is, "Once Upon A Time," & we're going to have the "time" of our life! Midway West Amusements will have their carnival up & going full tilt. Advanc...
Augusta’s Softball Picnic & Fireworks Today
Augusta’s Softball Picnic & Fireworks Today
Augusta’s Softball Picnic & Fireworks Today
Happy Independence Day from Augusta! Augusta's Community CELEBRATION  is going full tilt today, the 4th of July. Softball's on this morning out at the ballfield. At 5 o'clock this afternoon, the Augusta Pet & Doll Parade will step off in the park. The Gil...
Rodeo’s On The Way & So’s Marlin
Rodeo’s On The Way & So’s Marlin
Rodeo’s On The Way & So’s Marlin
Our good neighbor & friend, Marlin, will be joining me this afternoon (Thursday) at 2:30, on the Puff Man Show. Often times I refer to Marlin as "Montana Marlin" or simply "Double M." This afternoon, Marlin will be giving us the straight scoop on the Choteau American Legion 4th of July Rodeo. My...
Happy Trails On Puff Man Sports Trivia
Happy Trails On Puff Man Sports Trivia
Happy Trails On Puff Man Sports Trivia
"Happy Trails," is a beautiful coffee table pictorial celebration of the life & times of Roy Rogers & Dale Evans, & I'll be featuring the book tomorrow, Saturday morning, on Puff Man Sports Trivia. In my 25 years at KSEN, this has to be one of the most outstanding books I've given away on sports trivia. In fact, t...
Augusta NEEDS A Theme Sooner Than Later
Augusta NEEDS A Theme Sooner Than Later
Augusta NEEDS A Theme Sooner Than Later
The Augusta Chamber of Commerce is looking for a "theme" for their 2022 rodeo. "MY" suggestion of "Happy Trails to You" was sounded rejected, so I'm going to toss it out to our KSEN/K96 audience.... YOU could be a marketing genius if you can come up with a cool theme, or at least a suggestion...

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