
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
Boston Red Sox Poet Laureate, Dick Flavin, & I'm having Dick's new book, "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses & Curses," up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. From the voice of Fenway Park comes this collection of 64 humorous & nostalgic poems celebrating the Boston Red Sox. In fact, o...
Puffman Musical Trivia Will Be Fun
Puffman Musical Trivia Will Be Fun
Puffman Musical Trivia Will Be Fun
It will be more FUN than usual at 4:35 this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia when we'll helping to celebrate the 62nd birthday today of a real FUN recording star. I'm sure that Gary will be mentioning this performer this morning on his Official Birthday Calendar in the 10 o'clock hour...
Meeting At The Sports Club
Meeting At The Sports Club
Meeting At The Sports Club
The Toole County Advisory Board for the Center 4 Mental Health will meet at High Noon this Thursday, June 18th at the Sports Club. It is imperative that ALL mental health advisory board members attend this month in order that there will be a quorum present for decision making AND voting on important matters...
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Alma Terrebonne thought she was done with Montana, with its cruel poverty, bleak winters, & stifling ways.. Hard work & steely resolve got her to Yale, & now she's an attorney in a high-profile Seattle law firm. But an unexpected call from the Montnaa police takes the successful lawyer back to her provinincial hometown & pulls her into the family trouble she thought she'd esecaped.
We’re Starting A New Chapter
We’re Starting A New Chapter
We’re Starting A New Chapter
In fact, we're starting a NEW book tonight (Tuesday) at Montana History up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. Allow me to say that the book we finished last week, "The Long_____Awakening" by Gildford's Russell B. Crites, was one fantastic read that is still resonating with me this week...
The Best Things In Life Are Free
The Best Things In Life Are Free
The Best Things In Life Are Free
I've come up with a Puffman Musical Trivia question for today (Monday) pertaining to the bestest show that's ever been on tellabision...Mad Men...which concluded last evening after 7 years & 90 some episodes. The book that's up for grabs at 4:30 this afternoon shows you how to eat like Hollywood Royalty...i...
Crites Is All Right
Crites Is All Right
Crites Is All Right
,He's Gildford, Montana writer/author Russell B. Crites & we're all enjoying Russell's tome, "The Long____Awakening", Tuesday nights during Montana History up at the Marias Heritage Center. I'll report there tonight (Tuesday) at 6 o'clock SHARP to continue on with this Montana tale of woe & despair..& .not...

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