
A New Language Is Coming
A New Language Is Coming
A New Language Is Coming
There us a new language of light that is coming to our planet. That's what Jean Logan says, & this ordained minister of Universal Light Church has written a tome on it. Her book is (& it's a BIG one) is "Sacred Symbols of Light," & it's the prize this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia. Minister L...
R U Really Reddy 4 College
R U Really Reddy 4 College
R U Really Reddy 4 College
Obviously I'm not because my spelling appears to be a little rusty! That said, the title of the book that I'll be giving away tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia is "Are You Really Ready For College?; A College Dean's 12 Secrets for Success-what high school students don't know...
God is Real
God is Real
God is Real
"God is Real; The Stunning New Convergence of Science and Spirituality" penned by Sanjay C. Patel, a pioneer of the exciting new field of comparative cosmology, is the book that is "Up For Grabs" this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia...
One word says it all! Amazing! He's the AMAZING Kreskin, & Kreskin's still kickin'. Today's (Monday) is his 80th birthday & there's a star-studded birthday party for Kresin tonight in New York City. It gets even better...this afternoon at 4:35, the Amazing Kreskin will be my special guest on the Puffman Show, & I'm looking forward to chewing the fat with this living legend. You don't .
Believe It Or Not
Believe It Or Not
Believe It Or Not
Believe it or not(!), I've talked Edward Meyer from Ripley's Believe It or Not into returning to the Puffman Show this Monday afternoon at 4:30. Edward's all fired up about the Ripley biography on PBS American Experience coming up this Tuesday, January 6th on PBS...
No Winner Saturday
No Winner Saturday
No Winner Saturday
I didn't have a winner on Puffman Sports Trivia Saturday morning so there's another chance for you to win the book, "Logan: The Honorable Life and Scandalous Death of a Western Lawman" by Jackie Boor. It's a riveting read from Cable Publishing, & as an astute Nevada Historian says, "Nevada history at its best!" I...
A Dose Of Shock
A Dose Of Shock
A Dose Of Shock
That's what it is...a dose of shock & "awwww" in Ripley Publishing's new book "Reality Shock! that is NOW on sale. I'll be giving the book away this afternoon (Tuesday) on the Puffman Show, & if you're the 1st caller in during the 4 o'clock hour, you WIN the book. I'm al...
When Angels Cry
When Angels Cry
When Angels Cry
Actress Jennifer Edwards' debut novel, "When Angels Cry" from Skyhorse Publishing hit bookstores nationwide October 14th, & being the Stage-Door-Johnny that I am, I'm going to be talking with Jennifer this afternoon (Friday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show. Je...
Eating Like Royalty
Eating Like Royalty
Eating Like Royalty
You'll be eating like royalty...Hollywood Royalty that is...right in the comfort of your own kitchen after reading Leo Pearlstein's "Recipes Of The Stars". The book is up for grabs this afternoon at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia. Leo was a guest on the Puffman Show a few weeks back & he was as delightful as ever. Le...

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