
What’s it all about
What’s it all about
What’s it all about
Remember the old movie line, "What's it all about Alfie"? Well, I'm not Alfie although I do look like the man who played the leadin the movie, Michael Caine. Seriously, check out my blog picture on the website. I want to know "what's this Black Friday" all about anyway...
Evergreen girl wants out of the slammer
Evergreen girl wants out of the slammer
Evergreen girl wants out of the slammer
18 year old Justine Winter of Evergreen is appealing her sentence with the Supreme Court. Back in February, Winter was found guilty of two counts of deliberate homicide after intentionally crashing her vehicle head-on into another vehicle in 2009...
Take a walk on the wild side
'm doing an interview this afternoon (Thursday) at 4:35PM about Sinatra's favorite watering hole and guess what? It wasn't the Dixie Inn! It was a joint down in Vegas named "Jilly's" that was a favorite Rat Pack hangout. My special guest this afternoon will be Rich Herschlag who's written the untold glamorous and brutal true story of the famous and the infamous...
Take a walk on the wild side
I'm doing an interview this afternoon (Thursday) at 4:35PM about Sinatra's favorite watering hole and guess what? It wasn't the Dixie Inn! It was a joint down in Vegas named "Jilly's" that was a favorite Rat Pack hangout. My special guest this afternoon will be Rich Herschlag who's written the untold glamorous and brutal true story of the famous and the infamous...
This guy’s a real pearl
The world famous Leo Pearlstein is my special guest this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show. Leo's been on the program b the past couple of years around this...soon-to-be...festive holiday cooking time. Pearlstein is the president of Lee & Associates, Inc...
Meet the Lizardman
Meet the Lizardman
Meet the Lizardman
He's "the Lizardman" and he's my guest at 4:35 this afternoon (Friday) on the Puffman Show. This guy is a pioneering figure in the world of body modification. And I thought my two radio microphone tattoos were odd! The Lizardman has endured an estimated 650 to 700 hours of tattooing. He's had five Teflon horns subdermally implanted above each of his eyes to form horned ridges, four of hi
Did she really do it?
Did she really do it?
Did she really do it?
The murder case of Amanda Knox, an American who was convicted of killing and being involved (along with others) in the sexual assault of her roommate in 2007 was acquitted by an Italian Jury. Now, Knox has appealed her conviction for slander, as she wrongfully accused Italian police of beating a confession out of her...
What does the name Puffer really mean?
What does the name Puffer really mean?
What does the name Puffer really mean?
I guess I'll find out this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4:35 when Sharo`n Lynn Wyeth is one of my afternoon guests. Ms Wyeth is a "name expert" and well she should be. She's been researching names for some 15 years and then field-testing the results in over 70 countries prior to her writing her bestselling book, "Know the Name: Know the Person"...
Welcome back Norma
Long time Montana broadcasting icon Norma Ashby is joining me this afternoon (Monday) on the Puffman Show. If it's a happening event, Norma is never NOT involved. Norma is a lot of things but she's no Dear Abby. That's okay because Norma is Event C0-chair when the Great Falls Ad Club brings the world's #1 columnist to Great Falls...

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