World News

I Only Have 4 Words
I Only Have 4 Words
I Only Have 4 Words
'SPRING AHEAD FALL BACK." These are my 4 words of advice this morning on my Puffman Blog, which will be the LAST Puffman Blog I do when we're operating in the Mountain STANDARD Time Zone. Come tonight (Saturday), 2 in the morning, we'll all get up, turn the clocks ahead 1 hour, go back to bed, & when we get up at the crack of dawn, we'll all be running in the DAYLIGHT Time Zone. Th... Rea
Know Anything About Cycling?
Know Anything About Cycling?
Know Anything About Cycling?
I've come up with a spectacular sports trivia question for tomorrow (Saturday) morning as I'll be jacking my jaws about cycling...Tour de France style! The 1st caller in Saturday morning with the correct answer to my cycling Puffman Sports Trivia question WINS the book, "The Yoga Miracle; How Yoga and Meditation Bring You Health, Happiness and Spiritual Wellness"...
Where Were You
Where Were You
Where Were You
If you missed touching base with the service officer for the Veterans Affairs Division yesterday (Wednesday,) here in Shelby & over in Cut Bank, you still have a shot this morning (Thursday.) The VA Service Officer will be at the Eagle Shield Center in Browning from 9 to 11 o'clock this morning. If...
Community Prays Together Stays Together
Community Prays Together Stays Together
Community Prays Together Stays Together
Prayer, a humble request to God, is POWERFUL, & there's a Community Prayer Night scheduled for this evening (Monday) down in Conrad. Everyone's welcome to attend tonight. This evening's prayer meeting runs from 6:30 to 7:30 & is going to be held at the Pondera Community Center in Conrad....
Finding God
Finding God
Finding God
This medical physician. has found God through his patients, & it's quite a story. He's Dr. Jim Roach, M.D., & his new book, "God's House Calls; Finding God Through My Patients", is up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia. In "Go...
Head To The Courthouse
Head To The Courthouse
Head To The Courthouse
The service officer for the Veterans Affairs Division will be here in Shelby this morning (Wednesday.) The officer will be "on duty" up at the Toole County Courthouse from 9:30 to 11:30 this morning. Come this afternoon, the VA service officer will be over in Cut Bank at the Glacier County Extension Office from 1 until 3 o'clock...
You’re Going To Love The Muralist
You’re Going To Love The Muralist
You’re Going To Love The Muralist
Author Lisa Genova gushes, "B.A. Shapiro once again pens the art world into vivid, sensual life. If you liked "The Art Forger, you're going to love The Muralist." This impeccably researched & adeptly written hardback novel is up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia. "T...
Shrunken Heads & More
Shrunken Heads & More
Shrunken Heads & More
People think of Ripley's Believe It or Not for shrunken heads & other oddities, but the question is: Does Ripley's chronicle presidential stories? They sure do through the good ol' cartoon! My friend Edward Meyer, VP of Exhibits & Archives at Ripley's, will be joining me this afternoon (Friday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show. The un...
No War For Oil
No War For Oil
No War For Oil
I'm already getting ready for Puffman Sports Trivia tomorrow (Saturday) morning, & I've come up with a sports trivia question pertaining to a "Mystery" NFL quarterback for Saturday morning. The book that's up for grabs is, "No War for Oil; U.S. ...
1 Million Heart Attacks & Strokes
1 Million Heart Attacks & Strokes
1 Million Heart Attacks & Strokes
This month (February) is "National Heart Month," & the Center for Disease Control & Prevention is leading National Heart Month in an effort to prevent ONE MILLION heart attacks & strokes in the U.S. by 2017! Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart disease & stroke. High blood pre...
Weam Is A Winner
Weam Is A Winner
Weam Is A Winner
I'm ready for another round of Puffman Sports Trivia tomorrow (Saturday) morning on the Puffman Show. I'll be jacking my jaws about the NBA & placing another Weam Namou book up for grabs at 7:30. Weam's an Iraqi American author, journalist, & filmmaker. She's ...
We’re On Chapter 37 Already
We’re On Chapter 37 Already
We’re On Chapter 37 Already
It's Montana History night up at the Marias Heritage Center this evening (Tuesday), & we'll be starting Chapter 37 of our book on the saga of Charles E. Conrad. It's a long book, some 300 plus pages & 54 chapters all together but we're certainly enjoying James E. Murphy...

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