World News

I’ve Come Up With Another 1
I’ve Come Up With Another 1
I’ve Come Up With Another 1
I've come up with another cool  copy of the Boston Red Sox book that I gave away Saturday morning on Puffman SPORTS Trivia, & it's up for grabs today (Monday) on Puffman MUSICAL Trivia! Join me this afternoon at 4:35 when you'll have an opportunity to WIN "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses and Curses" by Boston Red Sox Poet Laureate Dick Flavin. Fl...
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
I’m Havin’ Flavin’
Boston Red Sox Poet Laureate, Dick Flavin, & I'm having Dick's new book, "Red Sox Rhymes; Verses & Curses," up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. From the voice of Fenway Park comes this collection of 64 humorous & nostalgic poems celebrating the Boston Red Sox. In fact, o...
What’s Your Favorite Flavor
What’s Your Favorite Flavor
What’s Your Favorite Flavor
Back in 2008, the Van Leewens started their ice cream business in Brooklyn with a pair of buttercup yellow ice cream trucks. They did this with a clear mission in mind: to revitalize traditional ice cream making while using only whole, natural ingredients sourced from the finest small producers in the world...
Friendship Loss Hope
Friendship Loss Hope
Friendship Loss Hope
Up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia, I have a new "golf" orientated book, "The Flem Cup; A Story of Friendship, Love and Redemption" penned by outstanding author, Scott Dow. It starts out with a 2001 beer-fueled skirmish late 1 night in England that transformed an ordinary golf trip into an extraordinary best of 5 match between teams from England &
Keep Cool
Keep Cool
Keep Cool
With a torrid weekend on the way with temperatures in the 90's(!), NOW is the perfect time to give some thought to the importance of staying well-hydrated. Health educator & natural salt expert Darryl Bosshardt says, "Staying hydrated means not only drinking water, but keeping your body mineralized with the major electrolytes & trace minerals." What ...
How’s Your Crop
How’s Your Crop
How’s Your Crop
Tall Todd the custom harvester guy says that he is 1 field short of finishing in Clinton, Oklahoma. That field is still muddy, but should be dried out enough today as the forecast there is for 95 degrees & 15 to 30 mph south winds! The crop ran from 25 to 30 bushels to the acre with test weights between 57 & 58 pounds, except for 1 load that only weighed 47.9 pound...
Puffman Musical Trivia Will Be Fun
Puffman Musical Trivia Will Be Fun
Puffman Musical Trivia Will Be Fun
It will be more FUN than usual at 4:35 this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia when we'll helping to celebrate the 62nd birthday today of a real FUN recording star. I'm sure that Gary will be mentioning this performer this morning on his Official Birthday Calendar in the 10 o'clock hour...
Discover The Front
Discover The Front
Discover The Front
I've come across a cool hiking guide to give away tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia. It's Great Falls author Tom Kotynski's "Discover The Rocky Mountain Front," an updated & revised hiking guide & travel companion for the entire Rocky Mountain Front, an iconic landscape where the Rocky Mountains tower abruptly above the northern plains. Stretc... Read M
Life Is A Circus
Life Is A Circus
Life Is A Circus
I'm already looking forward to the next book that I'll be reading for Montana History up at the Heritage Center here in Shelby. Montana author & historian Lee Rostad (originally from Roundup), has put together the Ringlings' Montana stories, plus tales of the circus's ups & downs in the engrossing "Three Ringlings in Montana; Circus Trains to Cattle Ranches." It's ...
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Murder & Mayhem In Billings
Alma Terrebonne thought she was done with Montana, with its cruel poverty, bleak winters, & stifling ways.. Hard work & steely resolve got her to Yale, & now she's an attorney in a high-profile Seattle law firm. But an unexpected call from the Montnaa police takes the successful lawyer back to her provinincial hometown & pulls her into the family trouble she thought she'd esecaped.
Rhythm Of The Rain
Rhythm Of The Rain
Rhythm Of The Rain
The Precipitation Report for the month of May at the Knees has been officially released! May 17th saw .88, while the 29th of the month rolled in with a .49. May 27th & May 28th posted .25 & .24 respectively. There was .24 on the 16th, & .21 on the 2...
Let The Harvest Begin
Let The Harvest Begin
Let The Harvest Begin
I received word this morning (Tuesday) from Tall Todd, the custom cutter guy who shows up here to the Golden Triangle every harvest season. Todd says that his crew has started to harvest in Vernon, Teas, where they have had over 25 inches of rain...

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