World News

A Story Of NFL Survival
A Story Of NFL Survival
A Story Of NFL Survival
At the start of each season there are just 1,696 men in the world deemed talented enough to play in the NFL, the most popular sports league in America. & of that tiny number, only a handful become household names. Most players, like Nate Jackson who spent 6 years as a Tight End for the Denver Broncos, fall somewhere in the middle, fighting their way onto a roster every year, putting their bodi
My Middle Name Should Be Books
My Middle Name Should Be Books
My Middle Name Should Be Books
Besides getting the "story-behind-the-story" this afternoon (Tuesday) on the new Ripley's book, I'll be reading another cool book tonight up at the Marias Heritage Center during Montana History. We're all enjoying "Empty Mansions; The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune" by Bill Dedman & Paul Clark Newell, Jr. Tu...
Meet The Real Wolf Man
Meet The Real Wolf Man
Meet The Real Wolf Man
He's Werner Freund who lives with a pack of wolves & feeds them directly from his mouth! The "Fearless" Freund is one of the cool features in the newest/latest BIG BOOK from Ripley's Believe it or Not!". It's Ripley's "Reality Shock!" & I'm giving the book away to a lucky caller this afternoon (Tuesday) right after my interview with the VP of Exhibits & Archive
We Love Sports
We Love Sports
We Love Sports
You don't have to remind MIDDLE name IS "Sports." Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, I've got a spectacular new sports read up for grabs. Tim Delaney & Tim Madigan (I call them the "2 Tims!) have put together a cool new book: "Sports: Why People Love Them!", &...
An Engrossing Portrait
An Engrossing Portrait
An Engrossing Portrait
The book that we're presently reading Tuesday evenings up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby, has been described as "engrossing portrait of a forgotten American heiress & a fascinating meditation on the crosswinds of extreme wealth." I...
No Holiday For Puffman Musical Trivia
No Holiday For Puffman Musical Trivia
No Holiday For Puffman Musical Trivia
Puffman Musical Trivia doesn't take the day off today (Monday) & I was "Laboring" into the wee hours of the morning to come up with a neat trivia prize along with a GREAT Puffman Musical Trivia question for this afternoon. I've put together a musical trivia question on one of the cool TV shows from back when I was a teenager. I'...
Neighbors Put Down Your Labors
Neighbors Put Down Your Labors
Neighbors Put Down Your Labors
It's Labor Day today (Monday)...a national holiday that originated back in the 1880's at the uging of union officials who wanted to show "The strength & esprit de corps of the trade & labor organizations." The U.S. Department of Labor submits that at one seminal event in New York City, "At first they were afraid that the celebration was going to be a failure. Many o... Read
Jeters Creepers
Jeters Creepers
Jeters Creepers
I'm giving away the new Derek Jeter book (released August 26th by Harper) tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia & it's a winner! To celebrate the career of one of America's most beloved athletes, the New York Post presents "Derek Jeter: Born To Be A Yankee", a commemorative book. Th...
Mystery Continues At The Heritage
Mystery Continues At The Heritage
Mystery Continues At The Heritage
I'm looking forward to reading more Montana History tonight (Tuesday) up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. "Empty Mansions; The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune" is turning out to be one of the most compelling books we've enjoyed at the Heritage...
The True Price For Fame
The True Price For Fame
The True Price For Fame
Are YOU willing to pay the truce price for fame? Irish Socialite & Designer Natasha Rocca Devine explores what it takes to make it in "The Industry" in her new novel that is up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) at 4:30 on Puffman Musical Trivia. Fo...
Hang On For The Ride
Hang On For The Ride
Hang On For The Ride
Hang on for the ride tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman SPORTS Trivia. I've been in the "research mode" this week & put together a Saturday morning sports trivia question on what I like to call "The All-American Sport": BOWLING! I'...
A Mysterious Life
A Mysterious Life
A Mysterious Life
It is the "Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark & the Spending of a Great American Fortune" in Bill Dedman's & Paul Clark Newell, Jr's "Empty Mansions" that we're reading during Montana History on Tuesday evenings up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. Writer...

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