World News

Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth
That's the book that I'll be giving away this afternoon (Monday) at 4:30 on my Puffman Musical Trivia! "Scorched Earth; Legacies of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam" with the foreword by Noam Chomsky comes upon the 50 year anniversary of the 1st spraying of defoliants in Vietnam...
Gabby Says She’s Easy On The Eyes
Gabby Says She’s Easy On The Eyes
Gabby Says She’s Easy On The Eyes
My friend, Peter Franklin, aka the Gabby Cabby, ran across...not OVER(!)...Cameron Diaz recently in Central Park in New York City. Cameron was spotted by the driver of the "yellow mobile conveyance lounge" playing volleyball. Pete's no Stage-Door-Johnny, but he brought his cab to a stop on a dime...
New Flu Vaccine Options Available
New Flu Vaccine Options Available
New Flu Vaccine Options Available
According to the Mayo Clinic, there will be several NEW flu vaccine options available this coming flu season. Rather than just 2 options, you will now have a range of vaccines from which to choose. Influenza, of course, is a respiratory infection that can lead to serious complications, particularly in young children & older adults. Ge...
Mobbed Up
Mobbed Up
Mobbed Up
When do the crimes of a Mafia informant outweigh the benefits of his cooperation with law enforcement? In layman's it okay that that law enforcement often uses snitches to rat out their fellow criminals? The recent case of Boston bad guy Whitey Burger has been all over the news & this afternoon (Wednesday) at 4:30, I'll have an opportunity to talk with former ABC News correspondent
New Hope For Bladder Cancer Patients
New Hope For Bladder Cancer Patients
New Hope For Bladder Cancer Patients
A breakthrough in the understanding of how bladder cancer spreads could offer new HOPE to patients. Close to 70,000 new cases of bladder cancer are diagnosed every year here in the United States, & some of these patients develop INVASIVE bladder cancer-where the cancer grows through the muscle layer of the bladder. Wh...
He’s In China Now
He’s In China Now
He’s In China Now
The Gabby Cabby, Peter Franklin, tells me that his "Joke Du Jour" (his smiler) is NOW the most accessed feature in the People's Republic of China. The Gab Man is actually ON THE RADIO in China too. I feel sorry for the Chinese...I can't understand Pete half the time here...
It’s All In The Stars
It’s All In The Stars
It’s All In The Stars
That's what B.D. Salerno says in her new book, "Forensics by the Stars: Astrology Investigates" from iUniverse, Inc. In "Forensics by the Stars", author B.D. Salerno, an astrologer for more than 20 years, provides insight into the fascinating world of solving crimes & understanding, both natural & man made disasters by applying astrologic science to interpreting event c
It’s Getting Closer & Closer
It’s Getting Closer & Closer
It’s Getting Closer & Closer
The custom cutter guys will soon be rolling into our Golden Triangle. I received a report this morning from "Tall" Todd, one of the custom cutter gurus that comes to Montana & he says that they are hoping to finish up down in Denver any time now. To...
Higher Selenium Lower Prostate Cancer
Higher Selenium Lower Prostate Cancer
Higher Selenium Lower Prostate Cancer
High selenium levels could result in lower prostate cancer risk according to a study presented at the American Association of Cancer Research annual meeting back in Washington. According to an article in the June issue of "Urology Times", men with higher levels of selenium MAY have a lower risk of advance prostate cancer...
It’s A Miracle (Drug)
It’s A Miracle (Drug)
It’s A Miracle (Drug)
I'm blogging about plain old simple aspirin. I was recently looking at a study that shows that ASPIRIN & NSAIDs can prevent or delay benign prostatic hyperplasia. In layman's terms, that's BPH. BPH is a condition in which the prostate becomes enlarged, leading to increased urinary frequency, waking in the night to urinate, & related symptoms. Mayo C...
After The Crash
After The Crash
After The Crash
That's the riveting book that I'll be giving away tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. Martin Spinelli's "After The Crash" from Mainstream Publishing Company is the heart-rending TRUE story of how one man's love for his son saved BOTH their lives...
How Are The Crops
How Are The Crops
How Are The Crops
According to "Tall" Todd out in west central Kansas (Leoti), there are NO dry land crops that are harvestable in the area; only irrigated pivots & they are a little green. The dry land that IS still harvestable is to the east in the Deighton area, about 60 miles from where they are located. To...

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