World News

Did she really do it?
Did she really do it?
Did she really do it?
The murder case of Amanda Knox, an American who was convicted of killing and being involved (along with others) in the sexual assault of her roommate in 2007 was acquitted by an Italian Jury. Now, Knox has appealed her conviction for slander, as she wrongfully accused Italian police of beating a confession out of her...
I got abducted this weekend!
I got abducted this weekend!
I got abducted this weekend!
Well, I felt like I did after previewing the book, "Who Believes in Roswell-Discovering the Profile of the Roswell Believer." Frank Borzellieri's book is a good read if, for no other reason, the foreword was written by George Noory. If you're a "Coast to Coast" fan, I don't have to tell you who George Noory is. In fact, in my opinion, his picture on some of the websites looks e
What does the name Puffer really mean?
What does the name Puffer really mean?
What does the name Puffer really mean?
I guess I'll find out this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4:35 when Sharo`n Lynn Wyeth is one of my afternoon guests. Ms Wyeth is a "name expert" and well she should be. She's been researching names for some 15 years and then field-testing the results in over 70 countries prior to her writing her bestselling book, "Know the Name: Know the Person"...
Welcome back Norma
Long time Montana broadcasting icon Norma Ashby is joining me this afternoon (Monday) on the Puffman Show. If it's a happening event, Norma is never NOT involved. Norma is a lot of things but she's no Dear Abby. That's okay because Norma is Event C0-chair when the Great Falls Ad Club brings the world's #1 columnist to Great Falls...
Dear Abby, I was wondering…
Dear Abby, I was wondering…
Dear Abby, I was wondering…
The Great Falls Ad Club is bringing the world's #1 Syndicated Columnist to Great Falls next month (October 1st) and the world's #1 Montana Television personality Norma Ashby is joining me this afternoon (Monday) at 2:30 to fill us in on this spectacular event...
It’s “Strikingly True”
It’s “Strikingly True”
It’s “Strikingly True”
"Strikingly True"! That's the title of the latest book from Ripley's Believe It or Not and I'll be giving away a brand new hard cover coffee table version of the book this afternoon (Monday) on the Puffman Show at 4:35 right after I interview Edward Meyer from Ripleys...
Legendary football coach to be discussed on Puffman Show
Most of you know that my middle name is "sports" and I'll be adding to that legend this afternoon (Friday) at 4:35PM when I talk with John Greenburg. Greenburg probably knows as much or more about sports as I do as he already written several book on legendary college football teams and hall of fame coaches...
To the slammer for streaming a U-tube video
To the slammer for streaming a U-tube video
To the slammer for streaming a U-tube video
Can you actually go to prison for streaming a YouTube video? I'll have the answer to that later this afternoon (Thursday) when I talk to law professor Michael Carrier. Carrier's a noted authority on intellectual property and antitrust laws. Professor Carrier's the author of the book "Innovation for the 21st Century and I'll be talking with the Prof this afternoon at 4:35 on the Puffman Show..
Thoughts of this weekend
Thoughts of this weekend
Thoughts of this weekend
With this Sunday marking the 10th anniversary of perhaps the worst tragedy our country has ever experienced, I thought I would put in a call to my friend Peter Franklin, better known as the Gabby Cabby, that wacky New York City cab driver who's been a frequent guest on the Puffman Show for the past 13 years here in Shelby and before that, probably 10 years when I was working on the East Coast... R
Time to fly Old Glory
Time to fly Old Glory
Time to fly Old Glory
This coming Sunday, September 11th, we are all being encouraged to display an American flag outside our homes, apartments, offices, and stores. I believe that all of us should make it our duty this Sunday to display Old Glory on this 10th anniversary of one of this country's worst tragedies. I found myself watching some "clips" last evening on CNN and living it all over again.
Happy Labor Day
I hope that most of you have a chance to "put down your labors" today and enjoy this special "end-of-summer"- "start-of-autumn" day. A special salute to all the men and women who ARE working today who are in essential services such as our physicians, doctors, nurses, police and firemen, Labor Day actually began as a Canadian holiday and was later introduced to our cou
Where were you on 9/11?
I'm really looking forward to my special guest tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4:35 on the Puffman Show. She's Janette Reynolds from the Flathead Valley. Janette was born and raised in the Motor City (not to be confused with Car Town) and spent the first part of her career entrenched in the competitive world of automotive engineering...

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