Coming up this afternoon (Monday) at 4:35 on Puffman Musical Trivia, I have the new book, "Russia and the Idea of the West: Gorbachev, Intellectuals & The End Of The Cold War," by Robert D. English up for grabs. This is really "Heady Stuff" for 'ol Puff but I can handle it. Professor English, assistant professor of international relations at the Bologna (I like their sandwiches!) Center of the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, writes how Soviet intellectuals turned the 'old thinking' of the Stalin era into the 'new thinking' that led to Gorbachev's glasnost, perestroika, & the end of the Cold War. Check out "Russia and the Idea of the West" from Columbia UniversityPress/New York at:, & then listen to WIN this afternoon on Puffman Musical Trivia as we'll be celebrating the 75th birthday today of ONE of our all time biggest superstars!

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