Emergency Housing Assistance Application Deadline is Nov. 10

MONTANA – Montanans who have lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for rent and mortgage payment assistance, but time is running out to apply for the monthly assistance. The Montana Department of Commerce announced


Wednesday all applications must be received by Tuesday, Nov. 10.

“Montanans who have been hard-hit financially from the pandemic may be able to receive rent, deposit or mortgage payment assistance that will allow folks to stay in their homes and remain current on housing costs,” Commerce Director Tara Rice said. “We encourage Montanans who have lost income because of COVID-19 to apply for Emergency Housing Assistance to provide some financial relief and comfort in knowing their housing costs are covered.”

The Emergency Housing Assistance Program was created by Governor Steve Bullock by using a portion of Montana’s allocation of federal CARES Act dollars. The purpose of the program is to help Montanans financially impacted by COVID-19 stay current on rent and mortgage payments to avoid possible eviction and foreclosure.

Since the program’s May inception, Montana Housing, with assistance from NeighborWorks Montana, has approved more than 1,300 applications and awarded more than $4.5 million in rental and mortgage assistance to Montana families and individuals statewide.

Montana Housing will provide payments to landlords or mortgage service providers the difference between 25 percent of the household’s reduced net monthly income, up to $2,000 a month. Household income limits range from $75,000-$125,000. Montanans who receive other forms of housing assistance are not eligible.

Apply before November 10, 2020. The Emergency Housing Assistance Program will fund approved assistance through December 30, 2020.

For more information and to apply visit COVIDRELIEF.MT.GOV. If you need help applying for Emergency Housing Assistance, email NeighborWorks Montana at covidrelief@nwmt.org or call 406.604.4500.

 - News Release -

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