Did You Hear The One About…
Jokes, jokes, & more jokes...I've got them tomorrow (Sat) morning, at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia. I've be giving away the riotous card game, Bob Moog's Dad Jokes-All the Best "Worst" Jokes, from University Games. Moog's in the groove for sure on this deal, & the game for ages 8, & up & for 2, to 5, players. The goal of the game's to match the most jokes to their punch lines by the end of the day. "I'VE" been doing this in radio for over 60, years! The 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question will score this game & end up either laughing or groaning through the very best of worst dad jokes. Did you hear about the dad who walked into a bar...