DNRC’s Drought Management Plan Available for Review, Comment
HELENA - After three years and wide-ranging input from hundreds of Montanans across the state, plus an interagency Drought Task Force, the draft Montana Drought Management Plan is ready for your review and comments.
he Governor’s Drought and Water Supply Advisory Committee (Drought Committee), is a multi-agency group coordinated by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC).
The goal of the Montana Drought Management Plan is to build drought resilience across Montana. This means ensuring Montana is prepared for drought at all phases of the drought cycle: before, during, and after drought.
Specifically, the Plan includes:
- Current information on how Montana monitors and assesses drought and how that connects to federal aid
- Guidance and resources for drought monitoring in your community
- A data-driven assessment of Montana’s vulnerability to drought
- Updated state-level drought management triggers for five drought stages and current agency response actions associated with each stage
- An operational framework for managing drought, including roles and responsibilities for each participating entity
- 34 stakeholder-generated drought management recommendations reflecting the strategies Montanans said would help them deal with drought conditions
Click HERE to read the plan, and HERE to comment.
The public comment period ends August 4, 2023.