Dupuyer Takes the Cake!!
The PAN-cake! The Dupuyer Community Club's hosting their annual pancake supper this Sunday. Don't be like the couch potato in the picture, come on down to Dupuyer, Sunday afternoon where you'll be enjoying a hearty meal of bacon, eggs & pancakes. Don't worry about a thing, there'll be coffee & juice, Bruce. Many of our Golden Triangle neighbors use this annual pancake event as a reminder to pay their annual Dupuyer Community Club dues of $25. All the FUN is this Sunday, from 4, to 7, & the supper's $7 person, $25 per family, & the small fries under 5, eat for FREE. Proceeds from the supper help support the fine Dupuyer community activities & help pay for the repair & maintenance, utilities & insurance for the Dupuyer Community Hall Building. Word on the street has it, they'll be pilin' the cakes high Sunday afternoon...