Peter Franklin, that Wacky Hacky-the New York City cab driver can no longer return home from a long hard 12 hour shift on the streets of New York City on a steamy stifling hot humid torrid New York City summer day and enjoy an amber brew on his front stoop. He says that the New York City PD has issued some 124,498 summonses for public drinking, which is not a crime but does constitute a "quality of life" violation. Pete is pretty "hacked off" about the whole affair (plus his wife used to be able to drink a sailor under the table!) and he'll explain this sorry state of affairs when he joins me this afternoon (Tuesday) in the 4 o'clock hour on the Puffman Show. And it appears to me that the ol' cabby could well end up becoming flabby, thanks to all the bagels available back east...Pete even has a "bagel joke" on his website this week. Check it out at I'm the Puffman and I'm going to try to "take control" of this afternoon's broadcast. You know those New Yorkers...and I have a philosophy about them...I believe that what you have is, a whole lot of people living in cramped short spaces. Thus, this is why New Yorkers always seem to be "in your face". It's similar to "short man's syndrome, where these short people have to be loud, abrasive and in your face ALL the time. It's like they've been conditioned to "fighting for air" all of their lives because of their short stature. Pete's not short, he may be bald, BUT he IS a New Yorker and I love having him on the Puffman Show. Be sure and check out his and then tune in this afternoon around 4:30 for a barrel of bagels...uh, I mean laughs! The Gabby Cabby and me, I'm the Puffman, today at 4:30 on Good-As-Gold KSEN.

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