Global Warming?
I'm not sure. According to NOAA, July marked the hottest month on record here in the United States. Drought expanded to cover nearly 63% of the Lower 2 million acres. According to NOAA scientists, the average temperature during July was 77.6 degrees which was 3.3 degrees above the 20th century average, and the hottest month on record for our nation. The previous was set back in July of 1936 when the average U.S. temperature 77.6 degrees. These temperatures contributed to a record-warm first mo first 7 months and the warmest 12 month period the nation has experienced since the record 1895. Global warming or not, I don't know about you, but we're talking a difference of 3.3 degrees here. Come on NOAA scientists, if it's 3 or 4 degrees either way, I suggest wearing a lighter laboratory coat and a cooler pair of shoes, like sandals. I mean...3.3 degrees...I think my body temperature has gone up 4 degrees writing this Puffman Blog! And besides, how accurate do you think those old 1895 and 1936 thermometers actually were...we hadn't even invented penicillin or the TV remote control in those days!