Hee-Haw-Hee-Haw Here Come The Donkeys
The Heart Butte 2nd Annual Donkey Basketball Athletic Fundraiser Tournament is set to roll THIS Sunday afternoon. All the FUN, not to mention the DONKEYS, will literally" kick" off at 4 o'clock SHARP Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock SHARP over in the Heart Butte Gym. Being that "SPORTS" is my middle name, I know all about basketball but I don't know a whole heck of a lot about donkeys except it's advisable to NEVER stand behind a donkey...they will kick a person if you do. Just another "safety tip" from me, the Puffman. Oh, BTW, I had to use a picture of a HORSE on this Puffman Blog because I couldn't find a danged picture of a donkey!