After a 2-year hiatus, the Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering at Montana State University is hosting its annual Shadow Day event for Montana high school students interested in engineering or computing careers. The event will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2022, during Montana’s Educator Conference.

Shadow Day Event Details:


In addition to organized activities, high school students interested in engineering or computer science are paired with an NACOE student to experience life as a NACOE student.
Date:Thursday, October 20, 2022
Time:Check-in at 7:30 a.m.

Welcome starts at 8:00 a.m.

Event ends at 3:30 p.m.

Starting Location:

Montana State University - Bozeman

Student Union Building

Ballroom A

Interactive Campus Map

Printable Campus Map


Pizza and Soda will be provided between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm. SUB Ballroom A
Agenda:7:30 am   Meet & Greet

8:00 am   Welcome & Student Panel

9:00 am   Shadow Experience

  • Attend classes
  • Explore NACOE complex
  • Play a board game simulating a college semester

12:00 pm  Lunch

2:00 pm   Immersive Experience in engineering or computing

3:00 pm   Closing and Feedback

3:30 pm   Event Conclusion


Travel and lodging expenses are not covered, but he NACOE has reserved is a hotel blocks at the 'Cmon Inn' and the 'Microtel Inn & Suites'. To book within these block and take advantage of the discounted rate, contact the hotels and tell them you're with 'MSU Engineers'.

Cmon Inn: (406) 587-3555

Bozeman Microtel: (406) 586-3797

Reserve your room by Wednesday, October 05.

Travel and Accommodation must be organized by the student according to their specific needs and circumstances.

Subject Areas to Explore

High School participants are paired with a Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering student according to their interest in one of these areas:

NACOE Programs

  • Biomedical Engineering

Chemical & Biological Engineering

  • Biological Engineering (Pre-med Option with this major)
  • Chemical Engineering (Pre-med Option with this major)

Civil Engineering

  • Civil Engineering
  • Construction Engineering Technology
  • Environmental Engineering

Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • Computer Engineering (hardware)
  • Electrical Engineering

Computer Science (Software)

  • Computer Science (software)

Mechancial & Industrial Engineering

  • Financial Engineering
  • Industrial & Management Systems Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology

Explore Engineering and Computer Science

Visit these websites to learn about engineering disciplines and the Grand Challenges facing the 21st Century Engineer before you decide which area interests you most.

Try Engineering (will open in a new window)

Discover e (will open in a new window)

21st Century Grand Challenges for Engineers (will open in a new window)

For questions, email

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