High Wide & Handsome
No, no, I'm not blogging and/or bragging about myself, the Puffman. It's the our new read for Montana History tonight (Tuesday) up at the Marias Heritage Center. The book is, "Montana High, Wide, And Handsome," put together by Joseph Kinsey Howard with a preface by A.B. Guthrie Jr. with a NEW introduction by William Kittredge. I'm looking forward to reading & sharing more Montana History at 6 o'clock tonight at the Heritage. This has to be a POWERFUL read for sure. The New Yorker writes, "Superior history of the state of Montana, by an indigenous editor who understands ecology as well as gun-play & who is tearing mad about what a mistaken land policy, monopoly practices, dust storms, & two wars have done to his native earth. Critical, well informed, & brightly written." Weekly Book Reviews raves, "The best single book I know on the subject. Scholarly, yet eminently readable, entertaining all the way." See you this evening at the Heritage for more Montana History.