How Do U Keep Them Down On The Farm!
Tell that to 24 year old Doris Ashley. Doris pulled up stakes on her Iowa farm back in 1925, & rode the train west to Glacier National Park. So began her love affair with the wild Crown of the Continent. It's all in John Fraley's fascinating read, "A Woman's Way West: In & Around Glacier National Park 1925 to 1990, & I'll have the book up for grabs tomorrow, Saturday morning, on Puffman Sports Trivia. Author Fraley has it all laid up for us in this compelling human narrative or romance, determination, happiness, tragedy, failure & success. This beautiful presentation from Farcountry Press in Helena, centers on Doris Ashley's birth in Iowa, in 1901, to her work in the park back in the 1920s, to her death over in the Flathead in 1990. Check out "A Woman's Way West" from Farcountry Press (farcountrypress.com) & then listen to WIN at 7:30, on Puffman Sports Trivia. I've got an NFL trivia question all set to go...