My friend Gary Gollehon checked in with me today as I try to keep in contact with Gary, especially this time of year, to see what's going on with harvest. I understand that some of the custom cutters have moved north of the border into the Lethbridge area . They report that they tried the canola but it was too green at this time. They think/hope that tomorrow (Tuesday) that the spring wheat will be ready. Meanwhile down in Texas, it's still dry with no rain in sight. In fact, one of the guys says that it's hot enough that the ground temperature is so hot that it is impossible to take a drink of water from the tap, as they do not bury their lines very deep. Therefore, the ground temperature heats up the water in the pipes and gives them warm water in the cold water tap! I think we should send Mayor Bonderud down there to show them how to run a water department! There is also concern with the abandoned wheat acres that were never harvested since the ground is so hard that you can't get a danged plow into the ground, as they need to work the abandoned acres to bury the seed. Over in Oklahoma, the producers planted many acres of cotton which is considered to be a drought tolerant crop. One guy planted some 2,000 acres of cotton and harvested 20 acres! Another producer planted 5,000 acres and harvested 100(!), the rest droughted out. In Clinton, Oklahoma, hay is selling for between $14,000 and $15,000 a truck load and the truckers are getting $4.50 a mile and higher for hauling it. The Kansas area had had good rains, 5 inches and more but to the north, things are still dry. Where there is moisture, they are seeding winter wheat as quick as is humanly possible. Farming is a tough game and when I dry a glass of the amber brew this evening, I will give a hearty toast to ALL the farmers who help make the amber brew possible.

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