I’ll B Wafflin’
THIS Monday night, the Shelby Carousel Rest Area will be serving up "All-U-Can-Eat" WAFFLES! It's all part of a FUN evening from 5 until 8 AND, the donations' EIGHT! $8.00 for adults, kids 5 years old to 12 $4.00. If you're 4 or younger, it's FREE! Monday's evening's event will offer $5.00 Carousel rides, pay one time & ride all night long. Ice cream & drinks will also be available. Henry Benjamin says that they'll have one waffle iron gluten FREE for those you can't get the gluten down. I LOVE waffles & there'll even be an assortment of toppings from mix & match OR... to MY taste. I like it AND,. IF you can't make it Monday night to the Carousel Rest Area, I'll have some exciting news coming soon on my Puffman Blog.