I’ll Have A Slice of Rhubarb
Today (Tuesday) is Pi Day. We all like to observe this "Special Holiday" every March 14th because March 14th is 3/14 & 3, 1, & 4 are the 1st 3 digits of Pi. Don't laugh at me, our own United States House of Representatives supported the designation of Pi Day. & they say the politicians don't do anything constructive for the people. THE NERVE! There are many, many ways to observe this "Special Holiday." I suggest throwing pies at your fellow workers & even the boss if you can get away with it. Don't look at me. Besides the United States House of Representatives, Google has a "Google Doodle" with the word "Google" spread over some images of circles & pi symbols. It's gets worse too...some even observed the month of March 2014 as "Pi Month." It's not all bad though, Perkins' Restaurant & Bakery down in Great Falls emailed me a coupon for a FREE slice of my favorite Perkins fresh-baked pie! My favorite is rhubarb PLAIN without the strawberries, NO ice cream & NOT heated. Happy Pi Day! I'm going to go & toss a banana cream special at Julie...