“IT’S” In Iverson’s Backyard!
The Shelby Kiwanis 2nd Annual Community Wide Fundraiser for the Memorial Scholarship for the Toole County Education Foundation is set for this Saturday night, the 17th, over in Dwaine & Barbara Iverson's backyard at 726 Main Street. LIVE music will be provided by Tyler Iverson. Don't worry about a thing, there'll be food provided with pulled pork & beans on the platters, but you'll want to bring along your own "refreshments." If you can't make it Saturday night, & still wish to donate, please bring your donation to Iverson Accounting, 301 1st Street South. Tomorrow, Thursday afternoon, Shelby Kiwanian "Happy" Jack Widmar, will be joining me at 2:30, on the Puff Man Show to give us the scoop on Saturday night's soiree.