It’s More Than Just A Day Off
I submit, today's a patriotic day too...it was on today's date, September 5th, back in 1774, the first Continental Congress assembled back in Philadelphia. Labor Day, as most of us know it is a federal holiday that's celebrated on the first Monday, in September. Our friends up in Canada, have their Labor Day on the 1st September Monday too, but they spell the danged word, "labor," with a "U" of all things! ..To me, that seems like putting in a little more labor yourself when you have to write or type 6 letters instead of 5, although one doesn't have to expend any more energy saying the word. Labor, Labour, whatever...put down your labors, neighbor, & enjoy. .Happy Labor Day from the Puff Man, please remember, if you're a fashion plate like the Puff man, today's the LAST day to wear white or seersucker...