Can You Believe The Commute Times In These Montana Counties?

I recently posted a question on our Facebook page asking how you measure the distance when driving in Montana. Do you use the miles or the time it takes you to drive it?

It was shocking to me to see how many people said they measured their commute in the number of beers it takes them.

READ NEXT: Drunk Driving In Montana Is An Insanely Big Problem

driving into the setting sun

This Article Isn't About Drunk Driving

While this article is not about drunk driving, I hope we're all in agreement that drunk driving is bad.

What this article is about is the commute times of all the counties in Montana and how surprisingly long some of them are.

When you think of commute times, you probably envision bumper-to-bumper traffic in places like Los Angeles, so it might shock you to find out that we've got just as long commute times here in Montana as those in California.

READ MORE: The 15 California Cities Montanans Hate The Most

A traffic jam at night

Nightmare Drives: What Montana County Has The Longest Commute?

Maybe it's because of the massive size of Montana, and almost anywhere you drive takes you plenty of time (or a couple beers).

To determine the commute times, the website Stacker took a look at drivers who drove alone in comparison to those who car pooled or used public transportation.

So see where your county ranks when it comes to the longest commute times in Montana in the gallery below.

LOOK: It's The 10 States With The Most Drunk Drivers

A recent study conducted by Forbes Advisor has found the states with the most drunk drivers. Here are the top 10 worst states.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

Now It's The 10 States With The Least Drunk Drivers

A recent study conducted by Forbes Advisor has found the states with the most drunk drivers. Here are the top 10 states with the least drunk drivers.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

KEEP READING: If Taken Today Would You Pass The Montana Driver's License Test?

Would you be able to pass the written Montana driver's license test if you took it today? We got our practice test ready thanks to Remember to pass you must be 27 our 33 right. Good Luck, and no cheating!

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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